Duty and Desire

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Rey rubbed her eyes. The police had taken statements from everyone but Rey had omitted the part about her parentage, hoping to keep it hidden. Kylo's men had threatened Luke's accomplice into silence and just when she thought her ordeal was over, her father had arrived. He has been over joyed to find her safe, but he couldn't accept the news that his beloved younger brother had orchestrated the plot in his pursuit for power. Rey sighed. She understood. If she hadn't seen it for herself, she would have had a hard time believing it too.

'There's something else.' Rey said quietly squeezing Kylo's hand. 'I know the truth, I know I'm adopted. She said quietly. Kylo stilled next to her but didn't let go of her hand.

Finding out that she knew about the adoption, was hard for her father to swallow. A wide array of emotions flitted across his face but he settled on his carefully guarded facade. The one he had perfected over all his years as a public figure. He took her hand and patted it,

'It was what we thought was best.' He told her by way of explanation. Rey nodded. She was too tired to get into it with him.

By the time the police allowed them to leave everyone was too exhausted to think too deeply into the night's events.

Kylo never left her side, or let go of her hand. She saw her father briefly focus on the contact but he made no mention of it. Rey was pleased, she didn't have the energy for that conversation just yet. Hux was somewhat shaken, but his mood improved immensely when Rey described in great detail to the police how he had saved her life. She may have over embellished a little. Kylo collaborated her version of events, keeping his own part in the rescue to a minimum.

It was hard to watch her uncle's body be removed from the scene. Rey buried her head in Kylo's chest and he stroked her hair gently. How could someone she loved so much want to hurt her like that? She looked up at Kylo,

'No more lies okay?'

'Okay.' He said looking into her eyes.

When they were finally able to leave her father insisted she come home with him.

'I'll be fine father. I don't need you to watch over me, though I appreciate the gesture.' She told him.

'I'm so sorry you had to go through this Rey. I should have protected you better.'

'You did.' Rey said squeezing Kylo's hand and looking up at him.

Her father looked uncomfortable, 'Yes well. We'll talk tomorrow, okay? About everything.' He said pointedly, kissing her cheek and getting into the black sedan waiting for him. Rey watched him leave with a heavy heart.

'I have a feeling your name will come up once or twice during that conversation.' She said to Kylo.

'I would be inclined to agree.'

'I'm delighted you've decided to go public about our relationship Kylo, but can I ask why you've changed your mind? I thought you wanted to keep us secret?'

'I nearly lost you Rey. Do you know what that felt like? It felt like someone had ripped my heart out. Right now.....I'm not sure I can ever let go of you again let alone keep my feelings for you secret.'

Rey smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. 'You won't get any complaints from me if you don't.' She stretched up to kiss him. Kylo put his hands on her lower back and pulled her closer to him. Despite the fatigue which threatened to overpower her, the close contact with Kylo made her body tingle. When they pulled away from each other, both of them knew what the other needed. Rey entwined their hands,

'Let's not talk about all of this tonight. I don't think my brain can take anymore revelations right now.'

Kylo looked relieved, 'Okay. We'll talk about it tomorrow. I'll just say, that it changes nothing for me.'

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