Something Wicked this way Comes...

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Chapter Text
Kylo stood outside the country club his mood quickly escalating from bad to angry as hell. It was the hottest day of the year and his new charge had insisted that he stay with the car during his 'business meeting.' Kylo growled. In his dark suit he was at risk of dehydration. He had lasted five minutes in the car before getting out to seek some shade. He leaned against the wall of the club under the shade of the canopy, with his arms folded, scowling under his sunglasses. He needed to calm down. He thought back to the night before and imagined Rey was once again in his arms as she had been just hours ago. His mood instantly brightened. If Rey were here now she would put her face up to the sun, eyes closed, smiling contentedly, enjoying the warmth on her skin. She would tease him for being such a grump on such a beautiful day. He smiled to himself. He couldn't wait until they could be together all the time.

But what if she doesn't choose you? A little voice whispered. But he couldn't think about that. Not now. She hadn't made her choice yet. There was still hope. He could fall apart when and if it was necessary. If he went down that road now, he wouldn't be any use to anyone.

Kylo peered in the window and spotted Senator Snoke with his 'associate.' Kylo rolled his eyes. He was apparently discussing climate control with that leggy blonde. Kylo was not fooled as he watched them clink champagne glasses. His blood boiled. He watched Snoke's eyes crinkle as he laughed with his latest conquest. Kylo did not like his new client. He treated everyone as if they were beneath him including Kylo. It seemed his personality was as distasteful as his looks. Snoke was ageing badly. He was bald and his skin was discoloured and sallow. Kylo was left to assume that the numerous women he attracted were interested in something beyond his appearance. Perhaps it could have something to do with his wealth and his current position of political power. Kylo rolled his eyes. Women interested in things like that held no appeal for him, but then there was only one woman he was interested in.

It was an hour before Snoke was ready to leave the club. Kylo gritted his teeth as he opened the car door for the old man. Beads of perspiration clung to Kylo's skin.

'Hot enough for you Kylo?' The old man smirked.

'Yes Sir.' Kylo replied. He shut the door and sat next to the driver.

'Home Peterson.' Snoke said dismissively. Peterson started the car and said nothing.

'So Kylo, what's your story?' Snoke said.

Kylo straightened up in his seat, 'not much to tell Sir.'

'Mmmm.' Snoke said. 'We'll see.'

What the hell did that mean? Kylo thought. He wasn't sure, but he was sure that he needed to keep his guard up around Snoke. The senator was old but he had a keen intellect and it was clear he hadn't got to where he was by playing nice with others. He would have to try and keep his head down and hope that Snoke didn't go prying into his past. Come on Rey. Kylo pleaded. I need to get out of here.

'That sounds amazing! So......why are you still here?' Rose asked sitting cross legged on the floor of her bedroom while Rey sprawled out on her bed. Rey had told her all about the events of the night before and Rose has been as impressed as Rey had hoped she would be. Rey's family home was big enough that the area effected by the explosion has been easily blocked off leaving the rest of the house still usable, but it was still nice to escape the noise and dust created by the builders as they worked to recreate her bedroom. It had stung having to ask permission from Hux to visit Rose though.

'Say pretty please.' He has teased. Seemed he hadn't changed entirely since his good deed. Still he has let her go, but his one condition had been that she be accompanied by two of his men who were currently sitting outside Rose's house waiting in their customary black sedan. God she missed Kylo.

'Hello? Rey?' Rose popped into her line of vision waving her hands. 'Where did you just go? I was saying I would kill to have a guy sweep me off my feet like that Rey. Men like that are few and far between. Finn wouldn't know romance if it hit him in the face, he is lucky I love him regardless.'

'Sorry Rose. I'm so distracted. This is such a nightmare. I want to be with him, but it's so hard. Giving up my life? Am I ready to do that?'

Rose looked sympathetic, 'I guess you have to decide which you want more. The power? Or the man?'

Rey thought for a moment then opened her mouth to speak.

Knock knock knock.

Rey rolled her eyes as Rose ran to answer the door. She heard mumbles as Rose spoke to her guards then she reappeared in the bedroom doorway,

'Sorry Rey, they say your allocated time is up and they have orders to return you home.'

Rey sighed. Yup. She really missed Kylo. She hugged Rose goodbye.

'Think about it.' Rose said. 'And know whatever you decide, I will always be your friend. Finn too of course.'

'Thanks Rose.'

As she left, Rey couldn't help but smile as she remembered the time Kylo had come to the house looking for her, flung her over his shoulder and carried her out to the car. She wished her could text him and remind him.

She stared out of the window. It should be easy right? What do the songs say? Love is all you need? But which type love? Love for her father? Love for her people? Or love for Kylo? Why couldn't she have it all?

Upon returning back to the house Hux discreetly handed her an envelope.

'This is for you. Don't get used to it though. I did not apply for the roll of Kylo Ren's messenger!'

Rey heart sped up at the mention of Kylo's name. She smiled at Hux and he waved her off with a roll of his eyes. She ran up the stairs to her temporary bedroom, threw herself down onto the bed and opened the letter.



I'm lying awake tonight because all I can think about is you in that dress. I hope it wasn't rented because I have big plans for it. I don't want to push you, I really don't, but I want you to know I'm ready. I'm ready to be whatever you need me to be. Just say the word, and I'm there.

In the meantime write to me. Please.

All my love,


P.S Make sure you give Hux shit for being my errand boy.


Rey giggled. Same old Kylo. She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, bit her lip and smiled as she thought up a reply.



You'll be pleased to know it's not rented. We are both intrigued regarding what plans you have. Both me and the dress are waiting with bated breath. I would love to tease Hux, but I would be too afraid that he would stop bringing my news of you because not knowing what you are doing is driving me mad. Who is your new client? I hope you get along well, but not too well. God I miss you so much. Thank you for being patient with me. Whatever happens, you will always have my heart.


Your Rey.

P.S do you remember that time you carried me from Rose's house? Shame I was too indignant to enjoy it properly!


Rey folded up the price of paper, kissed it gently and sealed it in an envelope. Placing it on the nightstand, she laughed out loud as she imagined how furious Hux would be when she handed him the note in the morning. She would have to try and be extra nice to him. Urgh. That would be so hard, but worth it.

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