United in Love

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Rey sat on the sofa, Kylo's duvet wrapped around her with her knees tucked up under her chin. She sipped her coffee and watched as men darted in and out of the house. Kylo was at the centre of the activity, barking orders. The general consensus was that no one had seen the attacker. Kylo was reaching critical mass, he was like a pot with the lid on too tight. He was about to blow and who would that help? Honestly no one. Rey stood up keeping the duvet firmly in place still aware of her skimpy outfit, she shuffled over to Kylo placing herself in front of him and craning her neck to look at his face.

'Can I have a word in private please?' She said.

Kylo blinked as if coming out of a trance and nodded. He followed her to the study. Once the door was firmly shut she let the duvet fall to the floor. Kylo's eyes followed it to the ground. She came towards him, reaching on tip toe to take his face in her hands.

'Hey, hi. Look at me. I'm fine. I know it's frustrating they didn't see anything but I'm fine. You need to calm down. Your temper won't help anyone right now. I need your mind sharp.'

Kylo took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and crushing her to his chest.

'You're right. Okay. Just give me a minute.'

Rey wrapped her arms around him and he buried his face in her hair. Eventually he reluctantly let her go.

'These incompetent fools didn't see anything Rey, How is that possible? There is only one way. This was an inside job.'


'How else could someone have got in? This place is locked down Rey. No visitors.'

Rey chewed her lip nervously.

'Okay. She reached for a pen and paper. Who are our main suspects?'

Kylo smiled at her,

'You let me worry about that. You need to get some sleep. You do have a rather alluring sexy secretary vibe going on right now though which is pretty distracting.'

Rey was grateful to see Kylo's mood lighten. Sitting down in the chair by the desk, she crossed her bare legs and put the pen to her mouth.

'Would you like me to take a memo Sir?'

'Stop it, didn't you just say you needed my mind sharp?'

'Sorry Sir, would you like to punish me?'

'Absolutely but then I would be even more distracted than I am now.'

Rey sighed,

'This is such a mess. I wish we could have one night off from all this.'

Kylo knelt down in front of her and took her hands in his,

'I know. I'm sorry you have to go through this.' Rey this isn't really the time but, I need to talk to you about earlier.'

Rey sat up straight, 'Okay.'

'I heard you.'

'You heard me what?'

'Outside my door? Just before a rock came flying past my head. I heard you talking to yourself.'

Kylo observed Rey's eyes widen and her skin flush. He was going to have to trend carefully.

'What.........what did you hear me say exactly?'


Rey swallowed hard, 'Okay. Is it too late to say I was rehearsing for a play?'

'You don't have to be embarrassed Rey. I feel the same.'

Rey blinked, 'What?'

Kylo took a deep breath, 'I love you Rey. This is more than just a fleeting attraction. I think about you every moment I'm awake, every smile, every glance, every time you push a lock of hair behind your ear. I've committed every move to memory, I told myself I was learning about you as a client. I've lied to myself for months even as I felt myself falling. I don't know what this means for me, for us but it's not something I can hide from you. Not anymore.'

Rey was still.

Kylo pushed a hand through his hair.

'Please say something Rey. I'm not accustomed to laying my feelings out like this. Some feedback would be appreciated.'

'I'm afraid to move. Incase....this is a dream and if I move, I might wake up.'

'I assure you, this is not a dream.'

'Well then....' Rey said before jumping at Kylo and throwing him off balance. He fell to the floor with Rey in his lap, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her lips to his. Kylo kissed her back, then trailed kisses down her neck. Rey closed her eyes,

'I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe I fell in love with you and you love me back. We're so different!'

'I can't believe it either,' Kylo murmured against her neck, 'I have no idea how you could fall in love with me. I don't exactly make it easy for people to get close to me.'

'You can say that again!' Rey giggled as Kylo squeezed her sides. She squealed as Kylo rolled them over so that they were lying down and he was on top. They looked at each other. Rey was the first to speak,

'I do love you Kylo. I need you so much. So what do we do now?' She said running her hand along Kylo's jaw.

A sudden knock at the door, made them both jump. Hux's sing song voice interrupted their thoughts,

'Hello? Kylo I need to speak to you.'

Kylo groaned and put his forehead to Rey's, 'Duty calls.....'

'Later? My room? Once all this dies down? I really don't want to sleep alone.....'

Kylo kissed her gently,

'I'll see what I can do.'

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