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When Hux returned to the mansion, it was late and he was tired and irritable. Being stuck in traffic for hours and having to deal with individuals he considered to be inferior to himself has put him in a very bad mood, so hearing that Kylo wanted to see him immediately did nothing to improve his countenance. He stomped into the library and folder his arms across his chest. Kylo was sitting calmly, and received him with a small smile.

'Can't this wait?' Hux said sharply. 'I've only just got back and I would like to retire.'

'No it can't wait but I will be brief.' Kylo stood and closed the open door of the library.

'You are to make sure that you remain professional at all times when you are within these walls or escorting Rey. You are not to address Rey in an overly friendly manner again. Am I understood?'

Hux jutted our his jaw, 'I see no reason why I can't be friendly with the client.'

'She has expressed to me that you made a comment this morning that made her feel uncomfortable.' Kylo stood before Hux. His eyes bore into him. 'That isn't acceptable. It stops. Now.'

Hux let out a snort of air, 'was it Rey who felt uncomfortable with my comment or was it you?'

Kylo gritted his teeth, 'Hux drop this now, or I will make sure you are removed from this detail.'

Hux's nostrils flared, 'I will make sure you are removed as soon as I can prove...'

Kylo turned around and slammed his fist down onto the desk. Hux jumped. Kylo turned to face Hux again,

'To be clear Hux. This isn't a game. You will follow my orders. You won't question my leadership and you will leave Rey alone. Understood?'

Hux glared at Kylo. 'Yes Sir.'

'You're dismissed.'

As Hux left the office another guard entered. Hux stood outside the library trying to control his temper. Who did Kylo think he was threatening him? He would show him. He just needed to get some evidence.....Just then the conversation inside the library caught his attention.

'I'm afraid the analysis of the note attached to the brick has revealed no leads, Sir. The fingerprint analysis has come back negative. They must have worn gloves.' The guard said.

Note? There was a note attached to the brick? Why hasn't he been informed of this?

'I thought so. Never mind. What about the handwriting?'

'They are looking into it, Sir. I expect a report within a few days.'

'Very well. Keep me posted and remember, Rey is not to know about this.'

'Yes Sir.'

Hux walked away from the door before he could be caught ease dropping. So Kylo was keeping a secret from Rey? This seemed like an excellent opportunity for him to create a wedge between the love birds. He smiled to himself as he formed a plan to rid himself of Kylo once and for all. Soon he would be the primary and Rey would be crying on his shoulder about her lying lover boy.

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