Love and Lust

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Kylo was glad of the distraction of making the coffee. It gave him a chance to collect his thoughts. Why did she have to be so God damn irresistible? He could feel her eyes on his back. He had to fight the urge to turn around and kiss her again. He has been moments away from shedding clothing until the cold shower that was Hux had brought him back down to earth. Kissing her and holding her like that had been heaven. Focus Kylo, focus. He finished making the drinks and turned to look at her.

He was surprised by her calm demeanour. She smiled sweetly at him.

'Shall I take those?' She asked.

'No I can manage.'

'I see you made yourself one too.'

'I'm the primary, my place is by your side.'

'No argument from me.' Rey said, her eyes fixed on him.

Kylo swallowed. She wasn't going to make this easy on him.

They returned to the living room.

'I thought you two had lost your way!' Hux exclaimed.

Rey laughed,'Sorry. Took us some time to find the coffee, didn't it Kylo? There is a brand I prefer. It's relatively new and a lot of people say it's too bitter, but I think it's the best.'

Kylo resisted the urge to glare at her and simply nodded. Nope, she was not going to make this easy on him. He placed the drinks on the table. Hux picked up the mug nearest to him and wretched,

'Rey! I said no sugar! How much did you put in here?'

Rey glanced at Kylo who was sipping his coffee with a smirk on his face.

Really? She thought. Boys.

'Sorry Hux, I must have mixed up the mugs.' Rey said glaring at Kylo who was still feigning innocence inspecting the inside of his mug.

The atmosphere was decidedly frosty since Kylo had joined the party. They sipped their drinks in silence for a while. Then Hux made a few flirty remarks and Rey kept her replies neutral and none committal. It was getting late and her eyelids were getting heavy, she didn't have the energy for the charade anymore and anyway it had had its desired affect. So when she felt a yawn she didn't suppress it.

'It's been a long day. I think it's time I headed up.' She said with a stretch for Kylo's benefit which didn't go un-noticed.

'Well, I better return to my post anyway.' Hux stated finally proving that he could catch a hint once in a while.

Kylo sat up smugly crossing his legs,

'Night Hux.' He drawled taking another sip of his coffee. Rey suppressed a smile. Only the primary slept in the house. Hux would sleep in a separate annex which used to be the servants quarters. He would also be included in the night shift rota for ground patrols. Hence Kylo's smug bastard expression, Rey thought to herself. She decided to leave them to it.

'Night boys.' She called over her shoulder as she climbed the stairs, and had to press her lips together to keep from laughing, when they called 'Night Rey' in perfect unison.

Rey put on a never worn red satin cami and matching shorts, which had been a expensive gift from a famous designer. She told herself it was just for a change. She knew she was a lying coward.

She lay in bed trying to think of reasons to knock on Kylo's door. She heard his heavy footsteps enter his room and close the door some time ago. She knew he would have checked the alarm and all the doors and windows before retiring even though he had already checked them a dozen times. Such careful attention to detail. It was one of the things she loved about him.

Rey froze, her heart didn't. Love? Was she really in love? She searched her feelings, and there it was a deep rooted, passionate affection for Kylo. The man who enraged her temper more than any other, but also enflamed her soul more than any other. Rey had never been in love before. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She felt exhilarated and scared. There were two important questions that needed answering. Should she tell him? And would he feel the same? She wasn't sure she was ready for his answer.

Kylo had thoroughly checked the house and allowed himself a moment to lie in bed thinking about Rey's smooth skin and how he could lift her with such ease. She fitted against his body so well and she tasted so sinfully sweet, he craved more. He couldn't help but wonder if she was a virgin. He knew about her relationships of course. He had been provided with a full background history, but he got the feeling none of those relationships had lasted long. Her father spoke of them all with such distaste. Could her father accept him as a suitor? Perhaps if he knew their relationship was serious... wait... was it serious? Was he actually thinking about til death do they part right now? He had to admit to himself that he was. Thinking of proposing marriage to Rey was a much more agreeable scenario then walking away from her when the assignment ended. He wanted Rey safe, but he feared her safety would mean his own heartache.

He heard gentle footsteps outside his door. Reaching for his gun, he moved across the floor silently and put his ear to the door. Someone was whispering outside. Rey. He could just make out what she was saying but she appeared to be rehearsing something.

'Kylo look....'
'Hi Kylo fancy seeing you here!'
'No that's stupid.'
'Kylo I don't know how to say this....'

She sighed and put her back to the door. She slid to the ground. Kylo crouched down on the other side, his ear still pressed to the door.

'I don't want you to leave me.' She said in a small voice. 'Please don't leave me.'
'Urgh that's awful! Have some respect Rey, don't beg!' She hissed at herself. She stood and Kylo followed suit. He felt her put a hand against the door and he instinctively mirrored the action. The next words he heard her say were clear as day to him.

'I love you.' She breathed. Then padded back to her room, unaware that she was leaving Kylo using all his strength to keep from crumbling to the floor in her wake.

He considered her revelation, as he paced the floor and ran his hand through his hair over and over. Part of him wanted to kick down her door, and show her that he would never voluntarily leave her. Part of him wanted to pick her up and run away with her forever. One thing was for sure, he had to speak to her. He reached for the door, but did he love her too? He thought for a moment, then a noise behind him caught his attention. The window had suddenly smashed and glass flew everywhere. The alarm went off simultaneously and Kylo walked over to the broken window carefully, as his feet were bare. With his gun pointing upwards he put his back to the wall and looked out. His men were scrambling to the scene but he couldn't see anyone who shouldn't have been there.

He looked around the room for the object that had broken the glass. He found a brick with a piece of paper attached. He removed the note and opened it. Just then, Rey came running into the room.

'What happened?'

kylo gave the red ensemble a quick once over and she blushed.

'Someone threw this.' Kylo said holding out the brick.

Rey covered her mouth with her hands.

'Oh god, was that meant for me?' Tears formed in her eyes.

'Shhhhh,' Kylo soothed gathering her into his arms and kissing her forehead. 'You know I won't let anything happen to you.'

He crumpled up the note in his hand behind Rey's back. It contradicted his words to Rey. For the note was badly scrawled but he had made out the words that were now imprinted in his memory.

You couldn't save him, and you won't  save her.

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