The Princess and the Monster

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Kylo tried hard to focus on the exits and entrances, he checked the nursing station for unfamiliar faces, watched the incoming visitors to the ward closely, but his eyes kept getting drawn back to Rey sitting cross legged on the floor, her boots discarded with a blanket over her legs a circle of children around her, laughing as they enjoyed the story she was reading enthusiastically. He watched her eyes flash with excitement as she leaned close to the little girl next to her who often attached herself to the young princess during her visits.

'Roarrrrrr!' Shouted the monster.

The little girl giggled delightedly and held her teddy close.

'But the princess was not afraid, she knew that all the monster needed was a friend.'

Rey's eye caught Kylo's and she blushed as she realised he was watching her intently. She cleared her throat and continued,

'The princess gave the monster a hug and his frozen heart thawed and the spell was finally broken and all the kingdom celebrated for they were finally free! The End. Now wasn't that a lovely story children? What did we learn here?'

The shy little girl by her side replied in a quiet voice,

'Sometimes you don't need to kill the monster, sometimes all the monster needs'

'Excellent April! Exactly right.'

The little girl beamed and Rey looked at Kylo pointedly and said,

'Sometimes all the monster needs, is a little love.'

Kylo couldn't keep the smirk off his face. He folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow at Rey. She pressed her lips together to keep from laughing and Kylo was grateful that Rey had seemingly cooled off after their fight that morning, though he suspected he still had a long way to go before she would forgive him entirely.

Later when they were preparing to leave, Kylo helped Rey with her coat. From his position behind her he leaned close to her ear,

'For what it's worth, the monster is truly sorry for hurting the princess and he would do anything to make it up to her.'

Rey smiled, 'The princess will think about it.'

She felt his eyes on her as they left the ward, and his presence was almost overwhelming in the elevator.

When the doors opened Finn greeted them with a sombre expression.

'Finn what is it?' Rey asked.

'You're father wants to see you immediately. There's been another attack.'

Rey's hand flew to her mouth,


'Come on Rey, they don't tell me things like that. Let's go I will get you to your father.'

Rey nodded, letting out a shaky breath. Her heart was beating at a thousand miles a minute, it seemed this threat was getting closer and she was finally starting to feel that perhaps she should take it seriously. As Kylo helped her into the car he squeezed her hand and she squeezed it back with a grateful smile. Thank goodness for you Kylo. She thought to herself.

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