chapter 2

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She woke with a start, panic stricken and heart racing. Only a moment ago Rey was stranded back in Jakku watching over and over again as everyone she loved borded the aircraft... And left her, screaming as she realised they left without her. Her throat felt raw and her breathing became uneven. Suddenly, not being able to stop herself, she started crying, sobs racking her entire body.

She knew it was a dream yet she couldn't quite grip the fact that she was safe.. In bed.. Everyone she loved still here.

With tears still streaming down her face, a buzzing sound filled the room. He stared at her tear stricken face not knowing what to do or why the force decided to connect them at this moment.

Breaking the silence Rey spoke "I'm sorry, just a nightmare" she said calming her breathing, not meeting his eyes.

He felt something stir inside if him like a jab of pain, like pity... Throwing this thoughts away he said "don't worry, I use to get them too" without a trace of light in his voice.

She didn't know how to respond to that and her cheeks flushed pink when she realised what she was wearing. Her baggy T-shirt and underwear, thankfully her blanket covered her bottom half.

He noticed her flush and he scoffed. Like she cares what he thinks, he peered into her mind noticing that her thoughts were trained else where... On a mission that she would start tomorrow... Well later that morning.

"Ben- I mean Kylo" she said softly, staring up at him through her eyelashes

He tensed as she called him his real name and he looked up at her childlike face.

"how do you make them go away" she whispered barely audible. He stopped at her question, how did he stop his nightmares? He answers with a lie at his lips

"the dark side helps me, it erases my weakness therefore doesn't leave any room for nightmares" he says with an intense voice

She scoffed and rolled over turning her back to him. "yeah right" she whispered even though he heard her. She still felt his eyes stare into the back of her head.

"I'm still betting on my vision" he said to the back of her head.

"and I'm still betting on Hux" she said with pure confidence. With that she felt there bond disconnect, smiling at herself for the anger she felt him give off after her comment.

With no hope of getting anymore sleep, she rose from her bed and decided to meditate.

Rey sat alone in the cafeteria knowing it was too early for most people to be up. Nibbling away at her meal consisting of fruit.

She felt someone hover at her shoulder and she looked up to see Poe smiling down at her.

"mind if I sit?" Poe asked gently
"no not at all" Rey replied back, patting the seat next to her.

"Leia told me you were leaving today, to do a secret mission" he said as he pulled his tray of food towards him.

Rey nodded, her mind wandering away from the conversation. She didn't know the minor details such as where she was going, what she would encounter when she got there and why this specific kyber crystal was needed. She snapped back to reality when she felt Poe's hand sit on her shoulder, he looked concerned

"Rey, are you OK? You seem pretty spaced out" she recoiled at his touch and tried to play it off as a yawn/ stretch. He didn't buy it and retracted his hand now feeling embarrassed. She could feel his embarrassment and quickly squeezed his hand to show that it wasn't his fault.

"thanks for checking up on me though" she said with a small smile. He looked down at her returning the smile even though it didn't reach his eyes like it usually did.

She looked around the room to see people pooling in finding a place to sit. She turned and gathered her things saying goodbye to Poe as she headed for the docking bay to meet Chewie and Leia.

Walking through the empty halls she wandered if Kylo ren actually doesn't have nightmares. Such an odd thing to think about. Before she knew it she was standing in front of Leia and Chewie her head gazing up towards them.

"Hello Rey" Leia said with a calm voice. Rey smiled and returned a greeting as Leia pressed a peice of paper into her hands.

After packing the ship with Rey's necessities she turned to face Leia and Chewie one last time.

"When you arrive, find the place where the north winds meet the sea, only there will the kyber crystal be" she gave Rey a small smile of encouragement as Rey walked onto the ship.

Before she knew it she was out of the atmosphere flying towards a planet that the coordinates directed. At peace for the first time in 2 days she smiled feeling the wave of relief flood through her.

Only when she was 5 minutes away did she sense it. Sense danger. She sensed him.

Kylo ren.

Hey, whoever is reading this!
I hope you are enjoying this filler chapter aha
Anyway more action to come in next chapter so stay tuned!

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