chapter 21

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His big brown eyes stared into hers and suddenly she was running. She pushed past Ben and everyone who milled around the entrance of the ship. Ben saw them both run to each other and couldn't help but feel overpowered by the love they both showed.

She scooped him up into a bone crushing hug and he wrapped his tiny arms around her neck, she lifted him off the ground as she gently stroked his back.

"Thomas, are you ok?" she asked as a tear slipped down her cheek. He reached up and wiped the tear from her cheek and put his head against her shoulder.

He nodded quietly and Rey set him back down. He was so little, and he was afraid. She looked around and suddenly remembered the mess that he had made with his ship. She picked him back up and led him off of the ramp, dodging all of the debris that lay scattered on the ground.

She felt a hand on her back and saw that Ben had met up with them again.

"I think we should leave" he scanned the area and saw a bunch of angry faces. She nodded and they all set off towards the hills.

She continued to stroke Thomas's back feeling that whenever she did this he seemed to calm down. She could feel that he was tired and hungry, she knew how he felt.

They reached the first hill when she remembered something.

"Thomas, this Is Ben, Ben, this is Thomas" Thomas's brown eyes looked up towards the tall man and he sank lower into Rey's chest.

"hello Thomas" Ben said calmly not wanting to frighten the poor boy.

Thomas still stared until he got the courage to say something.

"Hi Ben... I'm Thomas.... I'm 6" he gradually began to became a bit more excited as he took in his surroundings.

Rey gasped in pain. She could feel her wound and it was a strong pain. They needed to get home fast. She put Thomas down on the ground and stopped walking for a second.

"Rey, are you OK?" Ben turned to her with worried eyes.

"my wound, it needs stitches fast" she got back up on her feet and tried to ignore the pain. Thomas stood a metre away starring at the both of them. When Rey started walking again, Ben followed closely beside her making sure she was OK.

When they got to the bottom of the first hill Rey was starting to panic. Ben could sense this and tried desperately to get her home faster, now he was panicking.

They both stopped panicking when they felt a tiny hand hold theirs. Thomas now walked in the middle of both of them, holding one of their hands. Ben tensed for a moment and then kept on moving. He looked at Rey and he noticed she was studying him.

"he does this a lot" she whispered to him. He nodded in understandment and took hold of Thomas's hand.

They only had a couple of hills left until they reached the huts when rey felt Thomas start to slow.

"I'm tired" his lip wavered and tears formed in his eyes. Rey went to pick him up but was reminded with a sharp pain that she couldn't.

Without hesitation, Ben reached down and picked him up. Thomas wrapped his arms around Ben's neck and closed his eyes. Ben felt the steady rhythm of Thomas's breathing and knew he was asleep. Ben gently stroked his back as a warm feeling spread throughout his body.

He looked up to see Rey smiling at him. She felt happy seeing Thomas and Ben together, she felt the euphoria rush over him and she knew that he had fully accepted Thomas and that he, like Rey, would take care of him no matter what.

They reached the huts and Rey noticed a walkie talkie strapped to Thomas's waistband. She took it off and hid it in her pocket. Ben went and placed Thomas in Rey's bed while Rey went to grab out the medical supplies.

They went into Ben's Hut and she sat on the bed. He turned away from her so she could take her top off so he could sew her up. She took off her top but kept on her bra. She removed the guaze and bandage and looked at the wound. It didn't seem to be healing.

He turned back around and got started on her injury. She grunted in pain as the needle entered her skin. She tried to think of something else, but failed.

"ow" she said as the needle entered her skin yet another time.

"I'm sorry" he said as he finished the last stitch.

She looked down at her side and noticed that it was finished. He grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around the wound, his delicate fingers making sure that he didn't hurt her. She couldn't wear her outfit that she got that day to bed, so she borrowed another shirt from him and said goodnight to him. She thanked him for fixing her and for taking her out. He smiled shyly and closed the door once she had left.

Rey walked into her Hut to see Thomas making a starfish motion on her bed. She tried to move him over and managed to get some decent room on the bed. Eventually she fell asleep.

It didn't take long until she woke up again. She found herself on the floor and she gasped in shock as the falling motion subsided. She couldn't help but laugh to herself. A 6 year old had pushed her out of her bed. She stood up and grabbed her pillow. Knowing that it would be a losing battle to try to sleep next to Thomas, she walked over to Ben's Hut.

She opened the door and stood at the door.

"Ben!?" she whispered loudly. All she got was a grunt in response.

"Thomas keeps on pushing me out of the bed, can I sleep with you?" she asks waiting for an answer.

He rolled over to face her. She stood in the middle of the doorway, the moonlight surrounding her figure.

"fine but make sure to close the door" he grunted and moved over making room for her.

She placed her pillow down and climbed into bed with him. Finding that he wasn't as cautious about how far apart they were, she snuggled up against his chest finding that the cool night air made her shiver. He felt her react to the cold and wrapped his arms subconsciously around her. He thought she heard her sigh but before he could ask, she had fallen asleep.

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