chapter 22

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She woke up to the feeling of the mattress next to her being empty. She slowly opened her eyes to confirm that he wasn't there. She wondered at the thought of last night. He allowed her to sleep in the same bed as him because of a 6 year old. She smiled to herself and got up. She looked over to the table in the corner of the room and saw her clothes had been folded and stacked neatly. She grabbed the black version and quickly pulled it on, then she made her way outside.

It took her a while to see them but she noticed Ben's head pop up in the flower patch to the far right. She could see that he was watching Thomas as he picked flowers from the patch. She smiled at the back of their heads until Thomas saw her. He shoved the pile of flowers into Ben's arms and ran towards Rey.

Rey scooped him up into a big hug and Thomas hugged her back.

"Good morning, how was your sleep?" she asked him trying not to chuckle as she remembered the reason for going into Ben's Hut.

"it was awesome because I had the whole bed to myself this morning" his smile spread to his eyes and she couldn't help the warm feeling in her chest.

"cmon, I wanna show you what we have been doing" he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the flower patch.

She sat down next to Ben and instantly Thomas handed her a bunch of flowers.

"thank you Thomas, they are lovely" she beamed at him. He smiled and took off to find some more flowers. She smiled at the pile in her hands and got an idea. She started to weave them together as she tried to remember the steps for making a flower crown.

"what are you doing?" he asked her. She smiled up at him and he felt his heart flutter, he loved her smile.

"making a flower crown" she looked back down at her hands and her brow knitted in concentration. He just watched her create a flower crown for a while until Thomas came back with some more. Thomas sat down in between Rey's legs and leant against her stomach. She smiled down at Thomas and then up at Ben as she placed a flower crown on both of their heads. Thomas took it off to look at it, but Ben just smiled back at her. Both of them felt at peace, they both felt happy and content with the life they had now built but still something was missing.

Rey, Ben and Thomas sat there for what seemed like hours, Rey playing with Thomas's hair as Ben and Thomas played thumb wars (Ben always let Thomas win).

When they decided to head back over to make lunch, Ben placed Thomas on his shoulders and Thomas's laugh filled the air, it was like chimes to Rey's ears. She smiled at the both of them as Ben took off towards the huts.

Rey remembered something, she had forgotten about it and she excused herself from them.

She ran into her Hut and grabbed the walkie talkie and ran off towards the beach. She didn't stop running until she was out of sight. She hid behind a rock and stared down at the device.

She hesitantly pressed down on the button and whispered

"Hello?" static noise filled the air around her and she was just about to give up until she heard a voice.

"Rey?" she gasped in relief.

"Finn?, is that you?" she said as tears stung at her eyes.

"yes, it's me, what are you doing?" he whispered harshly back.

"I saw Thomas with the walkie talkie so I stole it" she said as her smile beamed brighter.

"are you OK?" he said to her with a soft voice.

"yeah, we all are, are you?" she said back into the mic.

"I'm safe for the moment but Poe is going mad, he keeps on talking about something that happened between you twos and how it can't get out, but he is like talking to himself. Yesterday he started putting people in jail if he suspected that they knew" Rey went silent. She knew what had happened.

"Finn, only one person knows what happened and he's with me" she whispered.

"Thomas?" he said puzzled.

"no, someone else" she whispered back.

He went to ask her another question but was cut off.

"Poe is coming I need to leave. At this rate, there will be no resistance, Rey we need your help!" and then static filled her ears. She started to shake as she realised what Poe was doing. He was going mad.

She stood up carefully and trudged back up to the huts. Her heart felt heavy, it had been awesome to hear Finns voice but the panic in it was terrifying. She had managed to compose her face before she reached Ben and Thomas.

The day seemed to go pretty quickly after that, she didn't notice anything else. When the darkness finally swallowed up the camp, Rey decided to go for a walk. She weaved in between trees and sat down at a rock. She decided then that she would meditate.

After a while she realised the time and hurried back up to the huts. She felt guilty, leaving Ben with Thomas the whole day, she must have seemed really selfish.

Walking up to the huts, she noticed that they weren't outside any more. She walked into her Hut and stopped at the sight. Ben sat in the chair in the corner with Thomas sitting in his lap as he told him a bed time story. Thomas's eyes drooped lower and lower until they couldn't open again. She smiled at Ben.

"I will put him to bed if you want so you can go straight to your Hut" she said walking towards them. He stood up while cradling Thomas.

"actually I was thinking... Maybe we could just give Thomas this room and we could share my one... " he trailed off and she stood there shocked. She remembered how happy Thomas was when he had the room all to himself but she knew she would be lying if she said yes because of that reason.

"yeah sure" she smiled up at him and relief spread over his face. She grabbed some things as he tucked Thomas into bed. She went over and kissed Thomas on the forehead before they both walked out of the Hut and shut the door.

They walked over in silence but Rey couldn't stop the warm feeling in her chest. As they entered the room, she placed down her stuff and grabbed a shirt. She turned around so she wasn't facing him and put it on. She turned around to see him already sitting in bed but he was watching her. He smiled at her and he felt the warm feeling of her blush mix with the warm feeling in his chest.

She stared at him for a bit longer until she realised the feeling in her chest. It was a strong feeling and she knew he felt it too. It was desire. She wanted him and she knew he wanted her too.

He stood up and walked over to her. She looked up at him and felt his thoughts. She blushed as she realised what he was thinking. He wanted her.

She grabbed his hand and held it. He looked down at her and searched her eyes. She knew deep down that she still wasn't over what Poe did to her and she knew that she wouldn't be for a long time. He placed his hand on her waist and pulled her towards him. She obeyed and placed her hands at the back of his neck. Slowly they were drawn together.

They inched forward studying each other until their lips met. At first it was a soft kiss, sweet and full of love. They pulled apart and stared at each other, they blushed and she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself up to his chest. They stayed there for what seemed like forever.

Finally he grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear.

"I think it's time we get some sleep" she nodded into his chest as she yawned. She felt him laugh and she couldn't help but smile. They both walked over to the bed and settled down into the covers. She stayed close to him and let his lips touch hers for a final time that night before she was enveloped in the feeling of love and exhaustion.

I was so happy to write this one!

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