chapter 20

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The walk to the village consisted of walking up many hills. Rey had to stop every once and a while because of the pain, Ben waited patiently for her.

Going over the last hill, she had to stop and rest for longer this time. She could feel her energy levels becoming dangerously low, it wasn't like this before. She felt a hand under neath her elbow and she got dragged onto her feet.

"I'm sorry, the crash really messed with my body" she said panting.

"don't be sorry about it plus, we are almost there, just down this hill" he said turning her around. She looked out to see small houses and shops and lights and people milling around the streets. She smiled at the view.

They walked down the hill and arrived at the village. No one stopped to stare, they merely just smiled at them. She looked around and found many stalls of clothes but Ben pulled her to a shop to her right. It was a tailor.

"you get fitted for clothes while I go get first aid supplies and food, if anything goes wrong just use the force" and with that he left her standing in the middle of the door.

She walked up to the counter and the lady with bright orange hair immediately pulled her over to the corner to get her measurements.

The lady pulled out fabrics and materials and started to make some things up for her. Rey thought that maybe they would pick an outfit up in a day or two but it seemed that she would be making one on the spot.

After a couple of hours, the lady brought out a sleevless top with white bra cups for the breast and sewn under it was a white mesh for her torso, sewn into the waist was 2 bits of material on each side, going from thin to thick while crossing over her chest into a grey cloak of some sort. She had white pants that led down to the bottom of her knee and black boots.
The lady handed her 2 more outfits that were exactly the same except one was black and another was navy. She really liked the look of it. It suited her.

Once she had paid she left the store and wondered around for a bit.

She saw kids playing in the street, kicking around a ball and cheering when it went past 2 cups that layed about 2 metres apart from each other. When she was their age she was starving, barely scraping by. She had no one. If she was ever a mother she wouldn't want her kids to be left alone. She would want them to have friends.

She walked along for a bit longer finding that the stalls had many interesting things. From footwear to fruit stalls it was all so exotic.

She had stumbled across a bracelet that had charms that were made out of blue and red jewels, she would never have enough money for it so she went to walk away.

"do you want that?" she turned around to see Ben staring at her.

"oh no it's OK, I don't have enough money for it anyway" she went to go to the next stall but he stopped her.

"I can get it for you" he said walking towards the stall.

"no no its OK, really" she pulled his arm back and he stopped walking and turned to face her.

"it's getting a bit late. Would you like to eat at a restaurant here?" he asked looking down at her. He finally realised what she was wearing and stopped and stared. She blushed at his gaze and nodded.

They walked together towards a restaurant and found some seats. The room was warm and was filled with candles. She could smell all of the dishes and her mouth watered. When the waitress came over, Rey was so hungry that she just chose the first thing on the menu. They both caught glances at the other but when they weren't looking. They strictly sticked to small talk.

When the food came out, Rey plunged straight into her pasta and Ben just stared at her. She felt awkward but she was to hungry. He started eating and by the time they were done they realised the music that was playing. It was soft and classical, very romantic.

the waitress took their plates away and Rey stood up to leave.

"would you like to dance with me?" he asked her looking embarrassed. she stopped in her tracks, Ben Solo wanted to dance with her. she must have looked confused because he started to back track not wanting things to go awkward.

"Yes" she said watching as his eyes went from embarrassed to disbelief. he stood up and offered her his hand.

she finally took it.

he led her out to the dance floor and gently placed a hand on her lower back while she placed her hand on his shoulder and the other two hands were holding each other at shoulder height. he slowly stepped left to right testing out the rhythm and eventually he took the lead. she couldn't help but smile. Ben Solo...a dancer. he felt her comments and smiled down at her.

"you know i did have a life before the dark side" he whispered into her ear.

she laughed, "i know but, where did you learn to do this" she asked smiling up at him.

"many benefits of being the son of a princess, Dance lessons" he sighed and stared over her head. she felt shocked as he used those words so freely.

he guided her from left to right adding in a twirl in a couple of spots. her smile radiated around the room and she felt the warm feeling in her chest, but it wasn't coming from her...

it was coming from Ben.

she moved in closer to him and he tensed at the movement but she didn't care. without a care in the world, she put her head on his chest and he looked down at her, his heart yearned for her but she was still scared. 'this would be enough' he thought as he rested his chin on top of her head. they swayed side to side, enjoying each others company until they heard a scream come from outside. they pulled apart and saw a ship descending towards the stalls.

they both reached for their lightsabers.

"Rey, go round up and guard the civilians while i fight off who ever is on that ship" he spoke just before the ship crashed into all of the stalls outside.

Rey ran towards the back of the room, rounding everyone up as she held her lightsaber close.

she heard Ben walk towards the entrance of the restaurant and he stopped. the ramp to the ship opened and he gasped in shock.

"Rey...." he slowly turned towards her and Rey turned towards him, feeling the force connect. she looked past Ben and an Instant feeling of surprise and relief hit her.


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