chapter 25

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She layed there stroking his back for a while until she remembered that Ben didn't know what was going on. She knew Thomas was asleep but she didn't want to leave him. The look of fear in Thomas's eyes shattered her heart. But something else was on her mind.

Thomas had called her mum...

Her heart swelled and she held on to him a bit tighter. After a while of just lying there she decided to go back to her hut and tell Ben what had happened.

She carefully got up and tucked Thomas back into his covers. She walked towards the door and turned to face him one last time.

She walked back over to her hut and carefully opened the door. She saw Ben staring at her but he didn't move.

"what happened?" Ben asked while moving over to make room.

"he had a nightmare" she said back to him while sinking back into the mattress. Ben smiled at Rey and he hugged her from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder.

"He called me 'mum'" she whispered it and he could feel the happiness that radiated off of her. He smiled into her back and kissed her shoulder blade.

"You would be a great mother Rey And you pretty much are one to Thomas" he whispered into her ear. She rolled over to face him. Her blush was prominent on her cheeks and she stared up into his face. She lightly traced his scar that she gave him and her fingers traced his lip. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled at him.

"You would make a great father Ben" she leaned in against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.

They stayed like this throughout the night, even in sleep. They were together and in that instant Rey knew she had found love. Not only in Thomas, but also in Ben. He was Rey's equal, the light in each others dark. They wouldn't make sense without each other and Rey knew she couldn't ever let that go.

When the morning arrived Ben slowly fell out of sleep and awoke to himself and Rey cuddling. He could feel the force between them, the power they held and the love they had for each other was strong. He noticed Rey's eyelashes flutter when she awoke from slumber and he placed a hand on her cheek. Rey held his hand and they layed their in silence.

Finally they decided to get up. When they walked outside their eyes instantly fell onto Thomas who was waddling out of his Hut. He ran to them and hugged them tight. Rey could feel how excited he was for school so she walked him back to his Hut to help him get ready. Although the cast on his arm made it difficult to put his polo shirt on he ended up being ready with just enough time to have breakfast and walk down to the village.

Both Ben and Rey decided to walk him down to his first day of school. When they arrived Thomas was practically buzzing with excitement. Ben handed Thomas his back pack just before he took off towards a little boy his age. Rey noticed it was Alice and Jake. Ben and Rey walked up to them. They all said hi and walked the boys into their classroom.

In the middle of the room stood a plump old lady. She walked towards the parents milling at the door.

"welcome parents! My name is Mrs Baxter and I will be your child's teacher for the year" she welcomed the parents inside to take a look around the classroom and Rey and Ben noticed that it consisted of small desks and a white board. It was simple but it was a school. Thomas grabbed Rey and Ben's hand and pulled them towards Mrs Baxter.

"Hello, I'm Thomas, I'm 6" he said looking up at his teacher.

"why hello there Thomas, aren't you just a ray of sunshine" she said smiling down at him. He smiled back up at her and glanced up at Rey and Ben.

"This is my mum and dad" Thomas said it with so much confidence and both Rey and Ben froze.

"Hello" Rey said trying to be polite while they both composed themselves. After chatting to Mrs Baxter for a couple of minutes they realised that they really must be leaving. They hugged Thomas goodbye and waved goodbye to Alice.

They strolled through the village hand in hand without saying anything to each other.

"so we are 'mum' and 'dad' now" Ben said to Rey as they reached the hill.

"apparently" she smiled up at him and she could feel how happy he was to hear that Thomas thought of them like that.

"what do you want to do today?" asked Ben. She looked up into his eyes and she instantly remembered the lake. She grabbed his hand and led him in the direction of the lake.

"I found this beautiful place with Thomas" she said just before they reached the green forest that stretched to the left of their huts.

She led him through the trees and he followed her. She stopped as soon as she saw the water and her eyes twinkled at the sight of it. She let go of his hand and walked to the edge of the water, she let the sun warm her skin as it leached through the leaves.

They both went and sat on a rock that lay a couple meters from the shore. She cuddled up to his side and he wrapped his arms around her. She felt safe, she felt whole.

I kinda don't have the motivation to finish this story but I will do it, I promise!

(so far I have written 32 chapters and I'm up to the final stretch)

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