chapter 14

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Rey walked out of the bathroom now dressed back in her tunic. It was around 7 in the morning when she decided to get out of the bath.

She walked out to find Thomas sitting on the floor of the kitchen. She smiled weakly at him. She knew she had to be strong for him so she put on a brave face.

"hey little one" she said bending down to him. He looked up at her.

"are you ok, I heard you crying" he said with his eyes on her face. She was shocked. He had heard her crying, he would never understand so she lied to him.

"I'm fine, I just hurt my ribs a little bit" she bent down and tickled him. He giggled and stood up quickly running away from her. They spent the morning chasing each other and tickling each other until they got hungry.

Rey didn't want to go to the cafeteria in case if Poe was there so they packed a basket with food and grabbed a blanket and Rey lead Thomas outside.

He ran into the trees and she followed quickly after him. He was weaving through the trees and jumping from small rocks.

"be careful, remember you still have a sore elbow" she said as he jumped off of a rock.

She layed the blanket down in the clearing that was full of flowers and Thomas raced over to the snacks that they had prepared earlier.

After they ate, Thomas was showing Rey his running skills. He was very proud of himself after he had run around like a little ball of energy and he came to sit down.

She was sitting with her legs out and she held herself up with her hands that were behind her back. Although she could never forget about what happened last night she knew she was very close to forgetting because of the little boy in front of her.

She lay down on the blanket and felt Thomas snuggle up next to her. His cheek resting on her chest and the wind playing with their hair. Thomas took Rey's hand and started playing with it. Warmth spread across her body and knew that this little boy could help heal her.

His little voice piped up over the sound of the wind in the trees.

"I looovvve space ships" he said still playing with her hand.

"really, which one is your favourite?" she asked him smiling at his head.

"I like the tie fighters because they are a solo plane. I reckon I could fly one" he said super confidently. He motioned a plane with his hand and created some realistic plane noises.

She smiled at him. He must really love the fighter planes. Suddenly she got an idea.

"do you wanna go look at the ships?" she asked. His head snapped up at the mention of them and his smile answered her question.

He raced in front of her because he was so excited. She called out the directions to him as he got to every corner.

They both entered the docking bay when Rey remembered that Poe might be there. Keeping her head down she walked in after Thomas.

Rey searched between the ships but couldn't see Poe. Finally she started to relax. She saw Thomas looking in awe at the tie fighters that had been dormant in the docking bay for a few weeks.

She walked over to him and realised that Thomas was talking to someone. She stared up into the ship and noticed that it was Finn.

"hey Rey" he said while sticking his head out if the ship.

"hey, do you reckon you could show Thomas the ships and everything, he really loves them" she said as she placed a hand on the back of Thomas's head.

Finn agreed and helped Thomas up into the ship. Rey didn't know what to do with herself. She wasn't going to leave because she still didn't know where Poe was but she found it quite boring.

She knew how to fly the ships yet she didn't like talking all technical about them. Instead she walked along the rows of ships admiring each one before she ran into Finn again.

"where's Thomas?" she asked eyes wide.

"he went to the bathroom, he shouldn't be too long" he said turning to face her.

"Rey, are you sure he is 6?" he said with a smile.

"yes, why?" she said glancing at him. She thought he was kinda stupid for saying that.

"he literally just taught me how to fly and land a tie fighter" his eyes opened wider as he said this.

She felt shocked as well.

"well he did tell me he absolutely loved planes and that he could probably fly one but I guess I didn't believe him because he was so young" she spotted Thomas coming back from the bathrooms.

Before Thomas got within 20 metres of Finn and Rey, Poe came charging up the aisle.

"Rey you are under arrest" he said aiming a blaster at her face.

Her stomach fell and she started shaking. Not just because he was arresting her for no reason but also because last nights events came flooding back. She took a couple of steps backwards and her breathing became uneven.

"for what?" Finn said stepping in front of her, guarding her.

"for treason. She has been trying to join the dark side for years" Poe grabbed Rey's hands and put them into cuffs. Rey flinched at his touch and wanted to punch him in return.

"Finn you know that's not true" she whispered it to him. He nodded back to her but Poe interrupted them.

"then how come you have been talking to Kylo ren for 2 years" she stood there shocked. She forgot that she had told him about her force connection. She wanted to cry and scream at him but no words came to her lips.

"Finn, please look after Thomas for me" she said as Poe dragged her along.

"I will Rey I trust you" he said as he saw her being led out of the room.

Thomas starting crying when he saw what had happened.

"Rey... No" he stood there sobbing. Finn took his hand and led him out of the docking room.

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