chapter 40

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Ben didn't want to leave her side but she wouldn't let him stay until he went and checked on Thomas.

Ben pushed open the door and saw Thomas look up in panic. Ben's heart fluttered as he saw Thomas again. They were going to be alright. Thomas started crying as soon as Ben entered the room, Ben raced over and comforted the little boy.

"It's alright" Ben repeated to him. Thomas held onto Ben's hand and Ben didn't leave his side until he realised that Rey was still waiting for him.

Ben walked up to the nurse and requested something. 10 minutes later, Reys bed had been wheeled into Thomas's room. As soon as she entered Rey tried to reach for Thomas straight away. She held Thomas's hand and stroked it as he fell asleep.

"The babies" she whispered to Ben.

"It's alright, we had 2 healthy baby girls" he smiled down at her and she turned to face him.

"Can I see them?" she said with a shaky voice. He nodded to her and signalled for the nurse.

5 minutes later the nurse walked in with two little bundles. Reys heart skipped a beat when she saw a small hand poke out of the blanket. Rey held both of them close as a tear slipped down her face. They both had dark hair and small petite faces. There brown eyes were huge and explored everything. Rey stroked each one of their cheeks and let them hold onto her fingers.

Ben couldn't help but smile to himself as one of the twins wrapped their small fingers around his thumb. He placed a kiss on Rey's forehead and she smiled up at him.

"what should we name them?" he whispered into her ear. She thought for a minute and smiled back down at her babies once she had figured it out.

"Ellora and Hadley Solo" she said fluttering her eyelashes up at Ben.

"I love it" he said. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He held Ellora's small hand and stroked Hadleys cheek.

"Thank you for giving me a family" he whispered to Rey. She looked up at him and leant in to kiss him. After they had pulled apart she whispered back.

"I love you Ben"

"I love you too"

4 years later

Ben and Thomas walked through the door holding their sabers close to their chest. Rey sat at the dining table with 4 year old Hadley and Ellora watching them draw their scribbles on paper.

She smiled up at the boys who had just entered the house.

"How was training" she asked them as Ben went and placed a kiss on her forehead. She wrapped Thomas up into a hug before he tried to escape to his room.

"it was great, I finally beat dad" Thomas looked quite proud of himself. Rey looked at Ben in disbelief.

"it was quite the fight" Ben said giving the two twins a hug. Both Ellora and Hadley gave a quiet giggle to each other. Rey smiled down at them and watched as they held a conversation with each other through their own force bond.

It was quite amazing the way everything turned out. Both twins could harness the force but they didn't care to use it for anything else but communicating with each other.

"Thomas, could you set the table before dinner" Rey asked the now 11 year old. He rolled his eyes and dropped his saber on the couch.

"only if they clean up their mess" he said snappily at the girls. Rey gave him a cheeky grin and Thomas couldn't help but smile.

"Beep boop beep" the family BB unit came rolling around the corner.

"No BB-1E, you can't set the table. It's Thomas's turn" rey whispered quietly while patting the droids head. BB-1E gave a sad beep and rolled towards the twins who eagerly started to pat the droid. Ben gave them a small smile and Rey couldn't help but think of poor BB-8 who Thomas had killed. She missed the small droid, however she couldn't help the fact that Poe had brain washed him into thinking that she was evil.

She remembered Ben showing up with BB-1E after she had become sad that BB-8 had gone. BB-1E looked exactly like BB-8 instead this time she didn't have to fix his antenna.

After dinner that night, Rey had put the twins to sleep and Thomas was stalking off towards his room when Rey decided to go and have a shower.

She remembered all the times she had on Edroth. How much her life had changed, how grateful she was for the being that was Ben.

She had a real family. A loving husband, 3 children and a place to call home. Everything she wanted was right in front of her and she couldn't be more happy.

After climbing into bed, she snuggled up to Ben's chest. He held her tightly and stroked her back, leaning down to give her a kiss. Rey almost laughed out loud.

"I don't think Thomas or the girls need another sibling, Ben" she giggled into his chest. He smiled down at her.

"I know, but the practice is fun" he said giving her a kiss on the forehead. She smacked his arm and looked up at him with a partly shocked face.

"What will I do with you" she said while shaking her head. He laughed down at her and went back to stroking her back.

"You are my universe Rey" he said into the nook of her neck.

"I love you" he whispered in her ear.

"I love you more" she whispered back.

Authors notes:

Alas, the story has come to an end!

Thank you so much for reading to this point, it means so much to me. I'm sorry if this story has dissapointed you in any way however, I am happy with what I have produced. This was my very first fan fiction and I am stoked with the way it has turned out. I will give a massive thanks to everyone who has ever commented, voted or even read a chapter of my story, it means so much to me.

For the future, at the moment I am in the works of creating a new fan fic/ au called "when the light calls"

It will basically follow the lines of the last Jedi + whatever happens in the future (it won't follow the lines of tros + will feature smut again) but instead it will feature Ben solo- the scavenger of Jakku and Empress Rey Palpatine- the sith lord of the first order, however she is still under the influence of her own grandfather emperor Palpatine. I hope that intrigues you. If it does I would love to know and I will start writing it soon.

Total word count= 43,046

Once again thank you so much for reading this story. May the force be with you 💕

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