chapter 29

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Her head was placed on his chest and her naked body was pressed up to his. She placed a hand on his stomach and ran her fingertips across his abs. She could still remember every detail of last night and she blushed at the thought of it. Her fingers froze when she felt his hands trail along her back.

She looked up to find him staring down at her.

"good morning beautiful" he said as he placed a kiss to the top of her head.

When she entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror she noticed little bruise like things on her chest and stomach. She didn't know what they were but they didn't hurt and even if it was Ben's fault, it led to a good memory not a bad one.

She scrubbed at her body and let the filth of the night wash off of her. When she hopped out of the shower and got changed, she noticed that it was almost time to go and get Thomas from Alice's house. she walked back out of the bathroom and noticed that he wasn't in the bedroom. she walked into the kitchen to find a note on the bench. it read:

"I got a call from Alice saying that Thomas was feeling sick so I am going to get him now, be back shortly!

I love you,


she smiled down at his handwriting and took in the last sentence before the first one kicked in. she re read the note and a pang of sadness hit her chest. Thomas was sick and she hadn't been there to help him. she felt like crying and she didn't know why. she looked around the room and saw that the cleaning was finished except for some washing that needed to be put away. she was in the middle of folding a towel when she heard the door swing open. she looked up to see Ben cradling Thomas in his arms. she could feel the heat of Thomas's temperature radiate around the room as he cowered into Bens chest. Thomas wouldn't even look up at her, she could feel how exhausted he was.

"what's the matter buddy?" she walked up to Ben and stroked Thomas's head. Thomas weakly looked up and his lip trembled.

"my tummy and my head hurts" his eyes welled up with tears and he reached his arms out to Rey. she lifted him out of Bens hands and held him close to her. he was burning up and he was extremely tired. she stroked his back and he started sniffling into her shoulder.

"lets get you to bed then" she placed a kiss on the top of his head and he rested her head onto her shoulder while she walked him over to his room. she tucked him into his sheets and ben walked in with a cool rag. he placed it on Thomas's forehead and cast some relaxing energy to him. Thomas slept through most of the day which only stressed Rey out more. ben kept on trying to make her relax but she felt bad. she started to calm down when she felt bens arms wrap around her waist and his chin rest on her shoulder.

"how about, if he doesn't feel better by tomorrow night then I will take him to the doctor the following morning" Rey nodded into his chest and she felt a bit relieved at this compromise. after dinner Rey and ben both decided to get some rest. it had only seemed like a couple of minutes ago she was cuddled up to Bens chest, letting the silence surround her when suddenly she awoke to a cry.

it was very faint but she heard it. she strained her ears a bit more and she heard it again. it was coming from Thomas's room. without waking ben up, she tip toed out of the room but ran down the stairs. she could hear him crying.

"mummy" he sobbed as she reached his door. she looked up at his face and it was as white as a ghost. he was sweaty and pale and the tears flowed thick down his face. she raced to his side and immediately held him close.

"whats wrong" she said while stroking his back.

"I think im going to throw up" he said while crying. she sat up and wiped a tear from his cheek.

"stay here" she ran out of his room to the laundry and grabbed the closest bucket and a rag with cool water soaked into it. she placed it next to Thomas's bed and replaced his old rag for the new one. Rey lay down with Thomas in his bed. she cuddled him as he put his head to her chest. she layed there stroking his back until eventually she fell into sleep.

Sad boi hours :(

Thank you so much for 2k reads! Seriously I remember getting 250 reads and I was over the moon!

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