chapter 10

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She didn't want to run into Poe at all today. She was lucky that he wasn't around at the cafeteria when she got there. She knew that the kids she was working with still had ages to go in training- especially with the force. All they know of is combat and meditation.

She remembered a time when she had no idea of the force and the power that she held within her. What simple times. Yes, it was a lonely time that was filled with lost hope but still it was simple. Scavenge for parts, trade them in, eat, sleep and repeat. She wouldn't give this life up for the world though.

After finishing breakfast, she started to make her way down to the training centre. On her way there she felt a tap on her lower back. She looked down and it was Thomas- the youngest of the three she was training.

"Hi Rey" he said in an adorable voice.

"Hi Thomas" she said and couldn't help but smile.

"are you ready for training?" Rey asked looking down at his head.

"yeah! I'm so excited, but I hurt myself last night" he said scowling at his fingers

"what happened?" she asked and she paused in the middle of the hall.

"I hit my hand on my bed and now it is bruised" he said looking up at her.

She started to pity him. All he did was hit his hand and she felt sorry for him, but still he was only 6 and he was so adorable! She grabbed his hand and started healing it

"oh no! Do you think you will be able to train?" Rey said in a high pitch voice

He nods really fast as Rey finished healing his bruised hand and Rey continues walking. They come around the corner and they were almost 2 minutes away from the training room when she felt his hand gently take hers.

Her heart fluttered and she looked down. His hand was so small and innocent. She took it and walked with him.

"I miss them" he sighs

Confused Rey turns to him.
"what do you mean?"

"my mum and dad. I don't know where they went. Last I saw of them they wouldn't wake up back on my old home and now I'm here" he peers up at her with small tears in his eyes.

She saw herself in Thomas at that very instant. Alone. Afraid. And parentless. She crouches down next to him.

"I'm sure they are fine" she smiles at him not wanting to tell him the truth. He was to young. He wrapped his arms around her neck and she hugged him back.

He grabs Rey's hand again and they walk towards the training room. Opening the door, Thomas runs in. Rey couldn't help but smile as she saw all three of them there giggling with each other.

"alright little ones, time to train" she said walking towards them. They worked on harnessing the force through combat. Using herself as a dummy, they all took turns trying to push her against the wall that lay 2 metres behind her.

They where all sweaty and tired when Rey decided that they needed to rest.

"before you have a break, I will show you how to actually cast the force to someone" she looked at them excited. She concentrated on each one of them and imagined them floating in the air. The pull of the force entered her mind and she opened her eyes when she heard giggles and excited gasps.

They were all floating about 1.5 metres off of the ground and they stared at her stunned. Gently she placed them back down and they all started talking excitedly.

They had only just started their break when she heard a yelp. She found Thomas flat on his back and tears streaming down his face. She looked at the other two and saw that they were pointing and laughing to each other. She rushed to Thomas's side gently sitting him up.

"my elbow... My elbow" he sobbed. She felt her eyes sting as she felt poor little Thomas's pain.

"What happened?" she asked glaring at the other 2.

"I- I don't know. I was walking back and then I - I somehow tripped and my.. My... Elbow" he cried loudly and he started breathing heavily as the tears streamed thick down his face.

She wasn't convinced with his story and peered into Oscar's mind. She saw Oscar's thoughts before Thomas hurt himself and realised Oscar had heard a voice telling him to push Thomas over using the force. Summer Also seemed to know what happened and they laughed when he hurt himself.

She glared at them both not caring how old they were. "you both need to say sorry now" she scolded at them.

"but it wasn't us" summer said innocently.

"I'm not an idiot Summer, I can read your minds" she said looking back at Thomas. His eyes screwed up in pain.

Summer and Oscar both fell silent.

"training is done. You twos can go back to your rooms and write a letter of apology to Thomas" she looked back at them and saw them nod. She knew that they would follow her rules because she felt them agree through the force.

When summer and Oscar left, Rey picked Thomas up and he buried his head in her neck. She felt the tears drop on her chest as he heaved and cried. She stroked his back and he started to calm down. She walked towards the hospital because she didn't trust herself to force fix a broken bone.

By the time they arrived Thomas had stopped crying and was replaced by sniffles. The nurse came out and saw the two of them.

"what's the matter?" the nurse asked

"broken elbow" Rey said still stroking his back.

"alright follow me" the nurse said.

After an X-ray that confirmed the broken elbow and the process of putting a cast on the 6 year olds broken arm, Thomas had fallen asleep. The nurse walked over to Rey.

"does Thomas have any parents on board this ship?" the nurse asks.

Rey shook her head. She could feel Thomas starting to stir.

"he needs to stay with an adult tonight. The little ones usually stay with each other but Thomas needs to be kept on painkillers and the hospital doesn't trust kids with that sort of stuff" she said smiling down at her.

Thomas was now awake and he silently muttered something.

"I don't want to go back to Summer and Oscar. They are so mean to me" tears started forming in his eyes

"it's ok Thomas, you can stay with me tonight" she said. It was the least she could offer. She always knew that Thomas was the one left out. The youngest in the group but she had never thought that they would hurt him.... And enjoy it.

With Thomas feeling too tired to walk, Rey picked him up again. It was now very late. Thomas's head lay against her chest, his breathing becoming even as he fell back into sleep.

She arrived back at her apartment and placed him into her bed. She was locking up her room when she heard little feet shuffling towards her.

Thomas looked up at her and his bottom lip wavered.

"Rey, can I sleep with you? I get nightmares when I'm alone" he asked as a tear slipped down his face.

She smiled at him and picked him up once more. Thomas was definitely just like Rey. She felt like she couldn't refuse him and remembered just how lonely she felt when she was his age. How she desperately wanted her mum to hold her when she was young... But she couldn't.

Rey shuffled back into her bedroom and manoeuvred Thomas around as she placed him into her bed and hopped in herself. As she turned off the light she felt him snuggle up against her chest. She wrapped an arm around his back and quickly fell asleep.

Authors notes:

I loved writing this chapter. I wasnt even planning on this but as I was writing I knew that it was the correct thing for this story.


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