chapter 31

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to everyone who has ever voted for my previous chapters 💓

It was a long 2 weeks before Thomas started feeling and looking somewhat better. They would've rejoiced this but unfortunately Rey had caught whatever Thomas had.

She had felt off for a couple of days prior and when she woke up and ran to the bathroom she knew she had caught the virus. She felt hot and sticky as she threw up in to the toilet and her headache was pounding in her skull. She heard Ben enter the bathroom and felt his cool hands pull her hair back from her face. He sat next to her stroking her back while she threw up.

She heaved until nothing came out anymore and she was shaking from the shock of how fast that came. She couldn't help the tears that escaped her eyes and the sobs that racked her body. He pulled her closer to him and cradled her to his chest, he felt awful because he couldn't do anything about it.

She sat there crying into his chest until she felt the burn linger in the back of her throat.

"water" she whispered to him. He ran downstairs and grabbed her a glass and raced back to her shaking frame. She sipped the liquid carefully and he helped her up and walked her over to the bed. She cuddled up to Ben and he started to get uncomfortably hot as her temperature started to rise, but he didn't leave her.

When morning arrived Rey was still sleeping when he heard Thomas down stairs. He tip toed out of the room and walked down to find Thomas talking to himself.

"hey bud" Ben said walking up to him. Thomas turned around and ran up to him like nothing had happened. Ben felt confused but didn't ask him, maybe it was what six year olds did. Thomas still had a temperature and a headache but his stomach bug was gone.

"when can I go back to school?" Thomas asked while climbing up onto the couch.

"we will see how you go, the doctor said one more week" Ben entered the kitchen and started making breakfast for the both of them. Thomas looked mad but returned to jumping on the pillows of the couch. Ben didn't know what to think about Thomas talking to himself and it didn't stop then. over the course of the next couple of days ben walked in on Thomas repeatedly saying "Hi" to himself and returned back to normal when he saw Ben watching him. Rey was still feeling quite sick and Ben didn't want to bother her about it but after contemplating about it one night, ben decided to tell her.

she sat there cuddled up on the couch, Thomas was put to bed and the tablets she had taken earlier were starting to wear off. she could feel bens eyes digging into the back of her head and she knew something was up.

"what's the matter?" she said while stretching her arms out towards him. he walked over and scooped her up into a big hug. he held her as they sat against the couch and she let her head rest against his chest.

"Something is going on with Thomas" he said after a while. she looked up at him confused.

"I don't know if it is a 6 year old thing or not but, I keep on walking in on him talking to himself and then stopping as soon as he sees me" he explains as best as he can but one thing occurs to Rey.

"Ben... it couldn't be..." she trailed off and it hit him suddenly.

"you don't think he is hearing voices.... dark voices?" she said looking up at him and he felt the panic rise in her voice. it hadn't occurred to him that, that might be the case. he shook his head.

"it cant be... they are dead" but he wasn't too sure, how could he be sure?

she held him a bit tighter as the reality set in.

"we should ask him about it tomorrow morning" Ben said while stroking her back. she felt her breathing quicken but she knew everything was going to be alright...some how.


Rey was feeling a bit better that morning, her head was still hurting and her temperature was still high but she hadn't been sick yet. Ben steadily walked her down the stairs and they both stopped at the sight in front of them.

Thomas was walking around the house and randomly placing his ears up against objects. he ran up to them and hugged them as soon as they caught his eye.

"What were you doing Thomas?" Rey asked casually. he looked up at them and quickly looked away.

"I need to tell you guys something" he whispered it and they both went and sat down so he could tell them.

"I have been hearing some voices, but I don't know where they are coming from?" he said with tears in his eyes. Rey took a deep breath of air after she had realised that she wasn't breathing. she looked up at ben and noticed that instead of fear, he had a puzzled look on his face.

"what do you mean voices?" Ben watched Thomas carefully.

"well there are 2 voices" he said walking around the room.

"and you don't know where they are coming from?" ben said clarifying with him. Thomas nodded and Rey and Ben both looked at each other with confused looks.

"I can hear them but I don't know what they are saying so I just say hi!" he smiled up at them. ben was just about to ask him another question when suddenly Thomas's head snapped up. he got up really fast and pressed his ear up against the kitchen table.

"are you alright?" Rey asked him with a confused tone.

"Shhhh I can hear them" he walked around the room and placed his ear on random objects.

"they are gone" he said about a minute later. he slowly walked up to Rey and leant against her. she stroked the back of his head and looked up at ben. Thomas's head snapped up again and he looked at Rey confused. he placed his head back down again so it lay level with her stomach.

"I found it" he said while pointing to Rey's lower abdomen.

I love this chapter so much not even gonna lie. Thankyou so much for 2.4k reads.

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