chapter 23

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She could still feel his body pressed against hers as she woke up. They had their arms wrapped around each other and her head was resting against his bare chest.

She snuggled in deeper not wanting this moment to end. He wrapped his arms around her tighter and she looked up to see his sleepy face staring back at her. She smiled up at him as he brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear.

"good morning" he said with a yawn. She gave a quiet laugh and buried her head into his neck.

"good morning" she said meeting his eyes again. She couldn't believe this was happening. Here she was, cuddled up against the previous supreme leader, but this was Ben, not Kylo.

He kissed her on the forehead and her heart skipped a beat. She sat up and smiled down at him before returning him a kiss on the lips. It was short, but it said everything. They both got up and got dressed out of their pyjamas.

They held hands as they walked towards Thomas's Hut, his thumb circling the back of her hand. She didn't quite know if it was official yet, but they both hadn't said otherwise.

They knocked on Thomas's door and heard a quiet voice reply.

"what's the password" they both then heard a quiet giggle answer back. They looked at each other and had to stop themselves from laughing. She smiled at the door and gave it some thought.

"space ship" she said to the door. It took him a moment but after a minute the door silently creaked open. Thomas stood on the other side of the door with a frown on his face.

"How did you guess it" he asked looking up at her as Ben and Rey both walked in. She picked him up into a tight hug and spun him around.

"because Thomas- looovesss space ships" she said with a giggle. He giggled back and hugged her tighter. Rey placed him down and he ran to Ben. Ben scooped him up into a hug and Thomas put his arms around Ben's neck.

"what are we going to do today?" Thomas asked eagerly. Rey and Ben looked at each other, and gave each other a shrug.

"what do you want to do?" Ben asked him as he placed Thomas back on the ground.

He gave a big grin to both of them and answered almost immediately.

"can we go back to the village?" he asked peering up at them.

"sure" said Ben.

They all got ready to head to the village in 20 mins after they had breakfast. Thomas was so excited he was practically buzzing. Holding Rey and Ben's hands the whole way, they trudged over the hills. Thomas gasped as he saw the whole village.

"slow down bud" Ben called to him as he ran down the last hill. Thomas slowed but kept going faster then they were. They entered the village square and the stalls that Thomas had broken were all repaired.

"Is it all right if I head off to do something quickly?" Ben asked Rey. She nodded and grabbed Thomas's hand as Ben walked off into the opposite direction. She stared after him until he was out of sight, she smiled at herself when she remembered last nights kiss. It was her first kiss.

She took Thomas around the village and he stopped when he noticed a group of kids about his age. Like the other night, they were all kicking a ball between 2 cans that lay about 2 meters apart while someone stood in the middle of the cones, stopping the ball as it came past.

Thomas watched for a minute until he looked up at Rey.

"do you think they will let me play?" he asked Rey with a frown.

"why don't you go and ask them?" she whispered back. He ran up to the kids and they all instantly surrounded him. She was going to go up to them to see what was happening but stopped as she noticed the game continue and a little boy that looked the same age as Thomas was showing him how to play.

She stood back and smiled at Thomas. She watched him play this new game for about 10 minutes until someone stood beside her.

"Hi, I'm Alice- Jake's mum" she smiled at Rey and Rey smiled back.

"hi I'm Rey" she said back.

"Is that your little boy?" Alice asked looking at Thomas. Rey didn't want to make things complicated so she simply nodded.

"that's Jake over there, teaching him how to play soccer" Rey smiled up at her.

"that's really lovely, Thomas has never played soccer before" she said as she looked back over at Thomas.

"are you guys new here?" Alice asked with a friendly smile.

"yeah we are" Rey nodded back.

"does Thomas go to school at all?" she said staring at the boys. She shook her head.

"there is only one school on this planet and Jake starts there tomorrow - you could sign Thomas up as well and they can be friends!" Alice gave a little squeal and Rey gave a light laugh back.

Now that she thinks of it, Thomas could use an education. Not a Jedi education but a normal one. One where he can make friends and spend the day doing something. She looked up at Alice.

"actually, that sounds like a really great idea" she said smiling down at the plump lady next to her.

"the last sign up is today and the school is just around there" she pointed off to the left and Rey thanked her for her help.

She went up to Thomas and pulled him away from the game. Thomas said his goodbyes to all of his new friends and Rey waved at Alice as they walked off towards the school.

They arrived at the school and a table and paper and a pen sat out the front Rey walked up to the lady at the counter.

"Hi I would like to sign Thomas up for school" she said. The lady looked up and explained the process. Rey signed forms and papers while Thomas tried on some school uniforms. The uniforms consisted of a navy polo shirt with the school symbol on it with black shorts.

"After the payment and the final sign of this form you are confirming that Thomas Solo will start his first year of school tomorrow" the lady repeated with a monotone voice. Rey smiled and signed the last paper. She payed for the fees and grabbed Thomas's hand. Thomas Solo... She liked it.

They ran back into Ben just after they had signed up and Thomas ran up to him.

"Guess what, Guess what!" he repeated to Ben.

"what" he said picking him up.

"I'm gonna go to school" Thomas smiled widely and Ben looked at Rey with wide eyes.

Thank you guys so much for 1.3k reads. I'm sorry I didn't post about it earlier because I have been planning this story out and have been writing chapters and I can also confirm that I have an ending!

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