chapter 32

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Dedicated to everyone who has ever commented on my story 💓

She looked down in shock. Her eyes went wide and her breathing faltered. She saw Ben give Thomas a confusing look and it occurred to Rey that Ben still didn't have any idea of what was going on.

"Ben can you please leave the room for a minute?" she said still looking at Thomas as her heart started beating out of her chest.

"um... Ok?" he said and walked out and up the stairs.

Rey grabbed Thomas's hands and crouched down in front of him.

"where do you hear them?" she asked him calmly even though she was almost going to have a heart attack.

"I can hear 2 voices in your stomach" he looked back up at her and smiled. Rey couldn't breathe, she didn't know what to do. She reached up and put her hand to Thomas's cheek to check if he was ok.

Suddenly, it all hit her. It had been about 2 almost 3 weeks since Ben and Rey had made love and quite frankly she never kept track of her period. Back on Jakku, you dealt with it when it came, so Rey had never had a schedule of some sort. The sickness she was experiencing must not be the virus Thomas had, but morning sickness....

"wait... Did you say 2?" she said with a concerned look on her face and hysteria in her voice. He nodded at her and placed a hand on her stomach.

"right there" he looked back up at her and Rey couldn't hold it back. She started to shake and eventually she was sobbing, but no tears were coming out. Thomas stood and watched her because he had no idea what was happening eventually he just wrapped his arms around her and hoped she would calm down. She started to calm down when she felt Thomas stroke her back, finding that it helped with her breathing, she held him close to her.

It took her a couple of seconds but she managed to compose herself.

"can you go and get dad and ask him if he wants to play with your toys with you?" she said calmly. Thomas ran upstairs and she grabbed a coat and walked out of the door. She knew she couldn't tell Ben yet. She wanted to make sure what Thomas was saying was legit before she freaked Ben out.

Her mind raced the whole trip to the chemist and she had hardly realised that she had bought a test and was heading home.

She hid the test in her coat before opening the door. She could hear Ben and Thomas playing in the room next door so she quietly walked up the stairs. Her hands shook on the box when she opened it. After reading the instructions carefully she decided that now was the right time...

She peed on one end of the stick, put the cap on it and sat on the floor for a few minutes. Her heart was racing the entire time. Sure, she was like a parent to Thomas but this was completely different. Her own son or daughter.

Kids had never been her plan in life but Thomas happened so fast and she loved him with all of her heart. She got a warm feeling spread through her chest and noticed she had stopped shaking.

Taking one last deep shaky breath, she decided to look at the test. She stood up and carefully went over to the test that lay face down on the counter of the bathroom. With careful fingers, she turned it over.

Her heart stopped. Two lines appeared on the test. She was pregnant.

Her hand covered her mouth in shock and she felt herself start to cave in. She felt different though. She felt happy.

Tears of joy spread down her cheeks and she looked back at the test to reconfirm what she was looking at. It was official, she was going to be an actual mum, and Ben was going to be a proper dad. She stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes until she got the courage to tell Ben.

She walked to the top of the stairs and called out to him. She heard him close Thomas's door and she started shaking as soon as she saw him.

"what's the matter?" he said looking concerned.

"I.. Need to tell you something" she said as he reached her. He grabbed her hand and she walked him over to the bed. They both sat down and Rey didn't speak. He cleared his throat waiting for something, but Rey didn't know how to say it.

"Ben... What Thomas said... " she trailed off.

"I don't understand, what was so important about what he said, he is only six" Ben stroked the back of her hand and Rey finally looked up at him. Tears sprang up into her eyes and she found her voice again.

"Ben, I'm pregnant" she gave a shaky laugh and placed her hand on his cheek. He looked at her in shock for a second and he almost seemed angry.

"really?" he said quietly.

"yeah" she whispered back. Suddenly he picked her up into a tight hug and twirled her around the room.

"I'm gonna be a father" he said while stroking her back. She smiled and nodded into his shoulder and she looked up to find him staring down at her with a goofy grin on his face. He kissed her eagerly and she felt warm and fuzzy. She had found her purpose in life and she was ready for what the next chapter held.


An actual mum. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face and neither could Ben.

My heart 💓
I actually love writing this story and I can't wait for you all to see what I have install. I think I have estimated that I will have about 40-42 chapters for this story! I hope you liked this chapter + don't forget to vote and comment!

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