chapter 34

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She stood up too quickly and stumbled into Ben's arms. He held her close and whispered in her ear.

"is everything alright?" she looked up and shook her head. Without saying anything else, she crouched down and gave Thomas a big hug. Ben let it slide but he stayed unusually close to Rey for the rest of the afternoon.

Rey had her guard up so Ben couldn't read her mind, but she had to admit the fact that she was scared and she didn't know what to do.

After teaching Thomas to swim for the second time, she decide to hop out of the water. Ben stayed in the water with Thomas but he kept an eye on her from the shore. She looked down at her hands. She wasn't safe. Not only here but anywhere, and neither was Thomas or Ben. She started to shake as she realised just how fast she could lose them. She placed a hand over her stomach and closed her eyes. She needed to stay strong, not only for Ben and Thomas, but also for the babies that were growing inside of her.

After the sun had started to set they all walked back to the house. Ben kept a careful eye on Rey but she showed no sign of panic. After dinner, Rey went and put Thomas to sleep. She sat there stroking his back, letting the calm aura Billow around her. She let his breathing even out before she climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Ben wasn't in there yet so she decided to have a shower.

She let the water slip over her body and she crossed her arms over her chest as she sat down on the ground. She couldn't help the tears that escaped her. Her body racked in sobs as her mind raced.

She felt helpless, how could she protect them?

Her head snapped up. Of course!

She remembered something she had almost completely forgotten about, she was a Jedi. She turned the water off and got dressed into her pyjamas fast. She ran out of the bathroom and slammed into Ben. He caught her before she fell to the ground and he looked at her confused.

"okay, what's the matter?" he said with a concerned tone.

"I need to start training again" she said still not meeting his eyes.

"Actually, we all need to start training" she finally met his gaze and she could tell that he had a thousand more questions. She sat him down and told him about how she had contacted Finn and how the whole resistance were out to get them. He sat there with an unreadable face.

"Rey, why didn't you tell me earlier?" he sounded hurt and angry. She looked down at her hands and she bit her lip to stop the tears that were forming in her eyes.

"Because, this is all my fault Ben, I don't want to lose you, or Thomas..." she placed a hand on her stomach, "or them" her voice broke on the last word and she felt a sob rack her body. She started to breath heavily as the tears started spilling onto her warm cheeks.

Ben instantly reached for her and pulled her into a secure hug and stroked her back. He hated seeing her like this and he wanted nothing more than to comfort her.

"Rey... This is not your fault at all, we will get through this together" he lulled in her ear and her body relaxed at his words. She looked up into his warm eyes while his arms stilled stroked her back.

"I love you" he whispered down to her.

"I love you too" she gave him a small smile as he leant down and placed a soft kiss on her tender lips.

They both went to bed not too long after that, the next morning would be a Saturday so all 3 of them could train again.

Thomas wasn't too sure what was going on as they climbed the last hill and arrived at the clearing outside if the old huts.

"remember back at the resistance when I trained you to become a Jedi?" Rey crouched down in front of him. Thomas nodded his head.

"well, dad and I have decided to train you some more" her voice was calm and gentle. Thomas instantly lit up in a smile. Ben had managed to somehow have a spare lightsaber he claimed to have packed 'just in case' so they gave that one to Thomas.

Ben tried to teach Thomas all he knew about combat. They swung their lightsaber, dived and ran around until Ben thought it was time to use the force. Rey got Thomas to try and move her backwards like she did back at the base and this time when his brow furrowed in concentration she felt herself glide forcefully backwards. Thomas looked up in shock and he ran towards the both of them. They decided to take a little break after that.

"what was that Thomas?" Ben said confused. Thomas looked up at him and so did Rey. Thomas hadn't said anything.

"I didn't say anything" he said with a slight shake of his head.

"Then how come I just heard a little voice?" Ben asked with a puzzled look on his face. Rey couldn't keep up with this conversation any longer. Thomas gave a small giggle.

"oh! That's just my 2 little sisters" he said while placing his hand on Rey's stomach.

Shock registered through Ben's face before it had even hit Rey. Ben walked slowly up to Rey and bent down so his head lay level with her stomach.

"I... I can hear them?" he said leaning closer to her abdomen. A pang of sadness washed through Rey as she realised that she couldn't hear them, her own babies.

"why are you sad?" Ben asked looking up.

"I'm not sad" she lied.

"yes you are, they just told me" he said pointing to Rey stomach. She breathed heavily and her hands slightly shook out of anger.

"Because you can all hear them and I can't!" she didn't realise she had started to yell until it was too late. The tears started flowing down from there and she scolded when she realised that it must be the hormones.

"I'm sorry" she said giving her head a slight shake as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"hormones" she gave a light laugh and Ben gave her a small smile.

Just something a little cute for you guys! BTW I am almost finished writing this story, I can confirm that I will be writing a new book (Reylo). I will talk more about it in my epilogue for this book ❤

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