Nap time

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When I woke up
The second I opened my eyes, I noticed I wasn't alone. The mattress was dipped behind me showing that I wasn't the heaviest one there...wherever 'there' is.

I didn't recognise where I was, it was just a random trashy bedroom, it was clearly inhabited since it was messy with strewn clothes on a chair in the corner. I was on edge but I closed my eyes as the door opened.

I recognised Himiko's footstep pattern as it came towards the bed before I heard two objects drop only a few inches from my face

"Can you read what she wrote?" I felt around with my hand until metal came into contact with my palm, I grasped the knife stiffly waiting for the right moment.

They must've dropped it when they brought me into wherever I was. I opened my eyes only a little just enough to see the other object was my book "Not all of it!"

I prayed that my quirk still worked and slit my wrists under the covers "Why not?" I knew Himiko couldn't read all the scientific symbols I'd written in there so all she could understand were the explanations

"It's all symbols and stuff" when I did go school, my highest grades were in chemistry so of course I remembered how to read that stuff but the longer Himiko couldn't, the longer I had to find a way out of here.

My lips drew in a silent cold breath before my eyes shot open as I swung my leg over whoever was behind me so I was sat on top of him with the bloody blade to his neck and my fingers pressing into the metal as my twin shouted my name

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My lips drew in a silent cold breath before my eyes shot open as I swung my leg over whoever was behind me so I was sat on top of him with the bloody blade to his neck and my fingers pressing into the metal as my twin shouted my name

"You're awake...that's good" his palm was pressed to my neck as if it were a threat "Wanna tell us why those guys threw you out?" my jaw clenched as his other hand toyed with the tubes I didn't realise I was connected to

"Riku...what happened to your quirk?" my eyes didn't leave him as Himiko's question filled the air "Nothing"

He pinched the tubes harder causing me to grow tired "try again" it turned out my quirk didn't work for now but that didn't mean I couldn't cause a mess "I'd rather not. Plus, I have things to collect" a slight heat rose against my throat

"It'll be a while before we let you go anywhere...get off" I couldn't help but smirk as I locked eyes with his sapphire blue ones

"You first" Himiko got a little closer and started to count down as if we were small children "3...2...1" even on the final count, neither of us made a move to get off, I was fully aware that he couldn't move without me moving but I kinda liked where I was right now.

Out of nowhere, he flipped us so that he was on top with his head cocked slightly but even as he held me there, I could see something different in his eyes but then Himiko ruined it by shooing him off me before dumping the book on my chest

"Read! Read! Read!" I flipped through the pages "What? so you can go and get praise for your 'handy-man'? No thanks, it took me years to perfect these!"

Of course everything in there made sense to me because I'm the one who wrote it "it would also be useless because you guys probably don't have the stuff I need. Himiko, you remember where my old lab is?"

She shook her head innocently "good, cause I never told you" I tried to get up but the tubes held me back. I could see they hadn't thought about that "You need me, and for once I can't do this completely on my own - so care to unhook me?" no one moved so I sat back down on the bed

"Look, once this is done, I swear on my own life that I will tell you everything in this book and help you with it all, hell I'll even do it for you if you wish. But please, they're going to destroy everything we both need, the longer I don't retaliate soon"

I flopped back realising how much emotion had built up inside me "Where we going?" I tapped the book "infiltrating the old base, I can get there but I can't on my own so m- our plan if its good enough, throw a high scale tantrum, maybe spill a 'little' blood while I grab everything and destroy the evidence that I was ever there?"

I flopped back realising how much emotion had built up inside me "Where we going?" I tapped the book "infiltrating the old base, I can get there but I can't on my own so m- our plan if its good enough, throw a high scale tantrum, maybe spill a 'li...

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They both stepped outside the room to debate "Don't move" I squinted at the burnt man "I wouldn't dream of it" but as soon as the door closed, I ripped out the tubes and found my old clothes changing before sitting on the bed eagerly as they both reappeared "I don't like this - but we need whatever you have hidden"

I gave him a pout "failing to do your jobs, are you? Trust me, wait no! poor choice of words, have faith. If all goes to plan, you'll never fail again"

he didn't believe me for a second but luckily I didn't need him to, I just needed his passionate flames for the aftermath. I stood and walked behind them gaining a few stares on the way out from the other two.

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