Like we used to

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Today was the day

"I'm getting Toga and Magne to take you skirt shopping" let's just say Dabi disapproved of my outfit choice but jealousy was all that filled his mind, I was willing to show a little skin to draw Karma into my trap

"Tell me, how am I supposed to hollow out my ex's body in a knee length?" he kept walking while looking away, was he ashamed to be seen with me? In my defence, he offered to come - no one told him to come or assigned him to this mission, he just walked out following me so people assumed he was going on this mission too

"You don't normally have an issue...are you jealous?" I only partially understood the jealousy my skirt was causing him but I felt there was more too it than just clothing, I thought we agreed he didn't need to be jealous of Karma? He was making the atmosphere so tense and difficult to deal with!

"If you're going to be a little coward about it, why'd you come?" I strut ahead with a hint of attitude that I knew he wouldn't lie down and take it "You know why I came, don't be a brat about it" he shoved my shoulder gently just enough to get the idea that he didn't like how I was acting

"So it's really you, huh?" I halted as the words left Dabi's mouth, even I could feel that Karma was behind us. I'd spent all this time trying to figure out what I was going to say to him but nothing came, there he was! My ex boyfriend, red hair and all, but he'd got a centre parting? I was surprised it suited him

"I didn't expect you to survive..." I bit my tongue nodding slowly "but I did" I toyed with the knife in my hand before he snatched out of my hands examining it recalling how I used to make him weapons when I actually had the effort to care about him...weren't those the days!

"You were the only person I could never read" those cold amber eyes glanced up at me as he twiddled my blade between his fingertips, it was hard to believe I ever found comfort in him, but I guess people wouldn't see dabi as 'sweet' or 'gentle' by looking at him, I remember he was my main threat at the beginning, now look at us?

"Perks of being a Toga" I looked away from my ex in embarrassment of how I used to be head over heels for him, now I had to 'pick up the pieces' without cutting my hands. Like we planned I stuck out my hand for him to shake, and just as his met mine, I drove the tranquilliser into his shoulder

"Hey Karma, you're a bitch" I think he expected me do this since normally, he'd never go to shake someone's hand and I was included in that. I caught him as he began to fall but dabi carelessly hauled Karma's body over his shoulder before strolling into the distance

The whole way back, Dabi was silent which was equally as disturbing as Karma accepting my hand. Maybe I did need a girls night? I knew I wouldn't enjoy it if I did, I was never the type of girl to enjoy sleepovers but I was older now, maybe I'd changed? Nah!

"Dabi?" I skipped behind him as we returned to the bar "That was the guy you dated?" I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment "I know. I had poor judgment" my hands raised in the air at Himiko's query

"Mr compress, meet our own 'Ms Protest'" I shook hands with the masked man, his costume really was stunning to me. He'd been here before but we'd never been given a proper introduction until now, but it seemed like Twice had a death wish and I was willing to fulfil it!

"Twice, I will remove both of your hands from your wrists and stick em so far up your ass both your middle fingers will permanently be prodding that beautiful brain of yours" it wasn't clear or not Twice got the message but he definitely got something out of it even if I didn't know what it was.

Mr Compress handed me a marble which I rolled in between my fingers and walked around the bar to use my equipment giving me a better look at what I was holding, I'd never seen anything like this!

"Fascinating, so much power in just a small object" every aspect of the marble intrigued me, even the contents! "Quirks like mine are only useful stunning an enemy, but this is something entirely new!"

"Oh don't go getting jealous now, you're with me" Dabi placed his hand down on the bar into my view as a reminder of how close he was. It was clear how he felt about my situation, it was comical really!

"I don't think I'm the jealous one Dabi" his hand burst into flames against the wood for a few seconds before his lukewarm fingers brushed my chin as a warning. I knew he wouldn't hurt me intentionally but he wanted everyone else to think he was in control of our relationship

"You know better than to play with things you don't understand" he was so close, it wouldn't take much for his lips to brush against mine. I never broke eye contact, not that I ever did - Dabi was usually the first to look away when I was serious, if I was being childish or anxious then it was me

"That's why you're the walking-incinerator and I'm the chemist" my hands shuffled bottles without looking down, his eyes practically glowed. He'd expected me to take it as a challenge, this was why'd I run straight into it?

"Don't be a pain" I bit my lip remaining silent "Riku~" I sighed putting my hands on his, to be honest, I was just trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened the last few days. I could quite literally feel a breakdown coming on but it just wasn't quite ready to happen yet

But it was only a matter of time...

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