One Last Spark

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I think I was on my way to Karuizawa again when it happened, just enjoying the drive. It hadn't crossed my mind that my phone was connected to the car so when it rang, I panicked almost crashing into the person in front of me. Not knowing what to do and clearly not reading the name on the screen...I picked up

"So it's really you huh? Didn't think you'd pick up" after all the crying and fridge raiding I'd done, I'd have hoped his voice didn't make me feel anything but that was far from the truth - the way his tone hit me was unexpected to say the least "Hold on, don't end the call. Shiga-"

He paused at the sound of me opening the packaging of the food I'd bought at the last convinience store I'd passed "that better not be what I think it is-" I scoffed at his thought process, so apparently he could break up with me and I wasn't allowed to move on?! How did we ever get on?

"Get your head out the gutter, I'm on the road. I hit a little store a few miles back and got food, forgive me for not wanting to starve. Why are you calling?" Even to me, my tone was empty - he couldn't hurt me and not be hurt back. I wanted him to know I wasn't his anymore

"Don't get so high and mighty, it's just one guy. Two person mission, should only take one try - one last fight?" I slid a peach snack into my mouth thinking over his deal carefully, if I did this - I'd be putting myself back out there right back on the radar which was where I was trying to escape from, so the obvious option was not to do it

A reluctant sigh left my lips "Look, Dabi - I left the league when you dropped me in the apartment, okay? Let me dumb it down for you...I don't take orders from Shigaraki or you so deal with it however you want" my finger moved to the button on my steering wheel to end the conversation like I wanted to when it started

"You're the one who started moving out, did you think I wouldn't notice your stuff missing? This isn't an order, it's a request. You can deny if you want, stay radio silent - I won't call again" would doing one job really be so bad? It's not like anyone would find out?! The guy would probably be a unknown to society anyway!

No one would notice! It would be easy! "Fine, just this once and not a word of my involvement to anyone afterwards - I'll meet you by my old burnt down hideout and 11:00, no sooner or later...Fukuoka was getting tame anyway" the last part was a lie, I loved that place! But I couldn't stay, he didn't need to know why - he'd lost access to that part of my life now

I didn't like to share my past around, if people wanted it - they'd have to do some major research to find out for themselves but I wouldn't tell them without agony. I wasn't that kind of girl who flounced around her story without a stable connection. It was a long and gory tale, not something everyone was okay with - that's fine

"What food did you get?" That was the last question I expected from him, should I lie and say that it was a nutritious salad and protein shake or tell the truth and tell him it was a load of cheap junk food I paid for with my last payment from the pool? I didn't want to think about that place

It probably wouldn't look good that a I went from a villain to a swimming pool technician, it even sounded pathetic to me! "Uh y'know - salad, sandwich, udon for later, boba and a little daifuku. Why? You gonna judge me on weight gain?" I could practically hear him smiling. Why wasn't this awkward?

"You can do whatever you like, just be able to fight tonight. I don't want dead weight. You better be on your way" wow he was a real 'charmer', wasn't he? Usually he was the 'dead weight' or at least his attitude was, I must've been pretty intoxicated to think it was was that still the case? Must've been the chloride, it had to be!

"Bye Dabi" I cut him off as he began to protest but I wanted to continue to drive in peace, not to be lectured by an organisation I was no longer part of. Some aspect of it felt like going home but then I reminded myself I never had one of those...I'd have learn what a 'home' was before I got too comfy

The drive back was only a few hours but I never left the car, I just set a timer on my phone, clambered into the backseat and threw a blanket over myself before drifting off into a dreamless slumber, this was the last time I'd have to fight for something I didn't believe in. I was finally done, no longer a weapon of destruction...

I'd be gone again by morning...

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