Maniac on the floor

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When we were outside

I wasn't going to lie, nerves were flooding through my veins and all I wanted to do was turn on my heels and walking away but I knew I couldn't. I'd dragged others into my mess now and they expected a prize, sadly I was never one to disappoint.

As the two started towards the door, I wandered around the premise then I began to scale the wall and into the closest window. Knowing who I was associated with, they probably suspected that something was up but weren't smart enough to realise what.

my feet carried me across the hallway and into a secret passage "Hey little snake" I froze, I knew that voice anywhere.

It was the same one that haunted my nightmares and weaved through my thoughts...he corrupted the serpent's nest. "I have no words for you" I didn't even look at the man "obviously you do, you wouldn't be talking otherwise"

The smell of smoke filled the air bringing a smile to my face, they were in. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought a few friends" as I turned over my shoulder, there was a look of panic in his eye "run along little prey" he sprinted down the hallway still debating whether he should stay with me or go find someone to help.

I continued on my way until I reached the room I needed, it was all still here. behind the heavy door that guarded my domain, my 'villain' outfit was still here, all my little bottles and some of it was even packed up for me "how sweet! They do delivery service!"

I glanced out the window once i'd changed, they were regrouping "damn it!" I hurried removing the boxes from the room then lowering them out the window where only I would able to find them again.

It felt so good to be in my original outfit again, even with the crown braid. Now I could truly protect myself, now they would fear me. I unloaded the rest of my stuff before lighting a Bunsen burner under the curtain and walking out casually.

I made my way to the foyer to see the battle commencing "I told you the viper's bite is a whole lot worse than its hiss" both of my accomplices' eyes widened at my appearance "There she is! The 'Viper', the queen of it all! but you'll never truly accept who you were before all this, we both know you can't"

I leapt down "doesn't matter, I left 'her' in the dust. And now i'm going to do the same you" I pulled my blade out from behind my back as I felt my quirk become available again, the tip of the blade dug into my wrist before the crimson liquid flowed out into the air mimicking tentacles

"How?" I smirked "you forget who wrote that book - I remember every single page from memory...even page three" the blood forced itself down his throat causing him to choke before I slit it wide open

"Anyone else? I mean, I can do this all day," their loyalty shone through as their circled around me. "and here I was hoping peace was still possible"

a bloodcurdling scream left my lungs as the blood killed all in range in an outburst of pain. The other two continued fighting until all were taken out "Mind letting them burn in your flames?"

I sprinted out remembering the boxes with Himiko not too far behind "these should do. But we have to be quick, your friend will bring this place down faster than I hope to believe"

I stacked a few crates as a white van pulled up with their 'handy-man' opening up the back "let's load it up!"

We piled up the crates in the back but as Himiko climbed in, I dashed back inside amazed by the mesmerising hall of flames. When I died, this is where I wanted to be, this was my idea of heaven more or less.

"Now it's your turn to ask something of me" he turned slightly "what could I want from a low life like you?" I shrugged watching the place burn "only time will tell"

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"Now it's your turn to ask something of me" he turned slightly "what could I want from a low life like you?" I shrugged watching the place burn "only time will tell"

I couldn't bring myself to meet his, deep down there was something quite appealing about the 'silent dominant' type and I could see that's just what he was, but I could be both 'dominant' and 'submissive' but I'm only that way with a little fight first.

"Quite the outfit you found there" I blushed slightly "this old thing? Nah, it's just what I used to wear before, I should probably get a new one" a slight smirk appeared on his lips "I like it"

I searched for something to say as the heat rose "your's isn't half bad" we shared a glance "we should probably go before we or at least I burn to death"

I looked away as he chuckled darkly "that's not gonna happen" I folded my arms as my twin yelled my name "villainy calls"

I strolled towards the truck and hopped in the back starting to get swarmed in my own thoughts 'but you'll never truly accept who you were before all this, we both know you can't' what did he mean by that? The burnt man finally got in just as part of the building exploded "we have to go" the truck pulled away slowly as heroes and police began to arrive on scene.

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