Death of a hero

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I left bright and early just to get some fresh air, my feet just carried me through the streets as people rushed to work. It wasn't necessarily that anything had gone wrong today, it was just that slow burn build up of each breakdown I'd ever had making me feel even worse for remembering them which caused me to feel like a burden to Dabi

"C'mon, not now!" It was the same everytime, that inner heat surfacing, the struggle to breath, those thoughts racing faster than a train wreck, the inability to concentrate on anything and who could forget the headache?! I leant against a wall closing my eyes as everything became fuzzy

I tried to focus on my breathing, in and out, how if felt in my lungs, the sensation of my chest rising and falling and the effort it took. Out of nowhere, two palms cupped my cheeks causing me to grip the wrists ready to rip them off but that's when I felt something holding together burn and untouched flesh

"D-Dabi?" I released my grasp on him letting my arms flop to my sides as he held me, how was it that he was always around when they started up? Was he following me?! Stalker! Wasn't he supposed to be planning with Tomura?! I'm gonna get killed if he keeps coming after me like this! Is that his fault or mine?

"I'm here" I felt his lips briefly press against my forehead, how was it that he knew exactly what was going on in my head without even asking? Was I that much of an open book to him? How many other people was I obvious to?! Would it be so bad if I just ended it right here and now? He'd probably just stand there

"You're okay" I sank down onto the floor out of reach and stared at the wall opposite me, I just needed to get things back into perspective then I would be okay! My hands were more shakey than someone with hypothermia!

Dabi had this weird expression on his face, it looked like he was short of time or stressing out more than usual "You've got that face, you only make it when you know something I don't" the villian crouched down in front of me with his hand on my knee

"Shigaraki changed plans, we're not attacking the actual campus, just a training camp" I swore under my breath trying to clear my head, what was it with this guy and changing his mind last minute?! It sounded like something karma suggested, I forgot he was with us.

"C'mon it's not like we're committing suicide here" I pushed him slightly, why didn't Dabi ever realise just how much was at stake?! Yes these were just kids but they'd had training, experience, and hell thrown their way. I wasn't pitying them but I knew how it felt to have the world against you...

"Aren't we?! If this mission goes sideways we're all dead! All of us!" I didn't mean to scream at him, I really didn't! His eyes widened ever so slightly, did he really think I didn't care about my own life? Or his for that matter?! How far had I really fallen!?

"Things never go according to plan" I stood looking him dead in the eye. I was basically telling him that we were going to die this time, I was so sure of it! No one lasts long as a villain in a hero world. There was only so many chances we could risk our lives before the higher ups had enough of our games

I stared blankly at the brick wall before pummelling my fists into the surface out of frustration harder and harder with no intention of stopping, Dabi grabbed them and pulled me into a hug even as I continued to beat against his chest wildly

His hand ran through my hair as he tried to calm me down "I'm not going anywhere, you hear me? Neither are you! We're here and now and always!" I settled down hearing his words ring in my mind, we just stood there for what felt like forever indulging in each other's company

"There you are! While you two lovebirds were romancing in a dark alleyway, Shigaraki is getting comfy with Karma, you didn't tell us he is so cool! Such a chill guy! I don't get how you hate him?" Twice obviously was talkative today, I tapped Dabi's chest subtly signalling that we were done here

"I think I'm gonna grab a coffee...or several, I'll decide on the way" he let me go as I strayed past twice without glancing back while wrapping my cardigan around my body hugging myself. Having that red haired bastard around was going to be difficult for both of us, but I hadn't converted Dabi to a coffee diet yet

But it was only a matter of time

A/N: People's thoughts on DabiHawks/HotWings?

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