What Now?

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So we currently had three hostages, two badly injured and one just a child - I didn't like this, he was too young to be in this kind of situation even if o was the one who partially put him in it so I guess I couldn't really complain. Maybe I was getting too soft for this 'bad guy' stuff? Protesting at every tiny detail even if it was for the greater good? Some villain I was!

My hands continued to clean the bar as Bakugo sat in the chair restrained like some monster, I'd understand if he was like Karma was - a complete sadist but I wasn't getting that from him, he was just some misunderstood high schooler mixed up in something he didn't understand.

To calm my nerves, I started taking shots underneath the bar chugging them when no one looked my way. After several, I stood up off the floor eyeing the boy carefully again - there had to be more to this than just his quirk. My hand mindlessly brushed Dabi's on the countertop, his eyes drifted over to our hands before he pulled away shoving it into his pocket

I bit my cheek feeling guilty for wanting attention, I knew when I started this relationship that he wasn't a big fan of PDA sometimes and that was okay but this time it felt more personal - like he was rethinking our relationship completely, maybe I wasn't right for him? I was this science-obsessed blonde with a lot of baggage he didn't need

It must've been hard for him, I wasn't exactly the most open person ever nor was I trusting - I wasn't saying Dabi could get any girl, not everyone liked scars but looking past that; he probably could have anyone he wanted so why'd he settle for less? Then again, why'd I always fall for the maniacs?

Without wanting to fall into an overthinking pattern, i drummed my fingers on the bar top before sliding over the top and walking out as Karma strolled in smirking "Thats not a happy face" I scoffed proving his point, I hated being the girl who always strut out when things got too hard but I couldn't stop - it was what I did, holding the 'confidence' act right up until the end

I texted Shigaraki that I was checking up on the Nomu lab even though the place creeped me out nonetheless I'd take creeped out over insecure right now. My hands hugged my cardigan closer to my body as the afternoon chill set in throughout the city, no matter how much coffee or alcohol I drank...it wouldn't wash away my problems or the memories engraved in my brain

Standing across the street from the lab, it looked a lot smaller than it previously looked. I walked a few blocks to check it was definitely the right place and the chemicals weren't getting to my head like usual. To be honest, I felt like a sitting duck - what was I gonna do here? Even if I had studied biology, Nomu's weren't exactly built normal

The sensation that one would break through the glass freaked me out as I wandered past the rows of tanks containing the Nomu's "You know, you guys really should be Hosu's next top models - instant win" I laughed quietly at my own joke imagining one of the creations strutting down a catwalk in a designer dress, posing at the end then leaving. An impossible concept but hilarious!

But even if it did happen, they had as much chance as I did not that I ever would go for that kind of thing - part of me wanted to do it just to give Shigaraki a laugh but then I'd probably also be hunted down by both sides of the spectrum for introducing that kind of creature to the public for something that wasn't crime-related

My phone rang as my fingers toyed with the tubes leading to a tank "Hey, 'handy-manny' what can I do for you? Fetch a toolbox? Pull the plug? Ooh! Can I push a big red button that says 'detonate hero society'?!" My foot rubbed the other as I realised this was probably the most he'd ever heard me say in one go. Was my anxiety really only caused by physical presence?

"Not that I don't appreciate the new ideas but can you behave for once? You're on speaker and we have a guest, remember? How's are things?" I bit my lip in embarrassment, everyone had heard me. Dabi's quiet laughter echoed in the distance along with my twin squealing in excitement at the button, I could also hear the student struggle against his restraints...I'd been there

"As far as I can see, things are as they should be, all readings are normal - I'm not a biologist if these things are even biology but..." My body froze as I felt the ground shake in a similar pattern to footsteps, the same timing as how a human would walk at a normal pace. My eyes glanced out the window to see what looked like giant legs slamming on the floor making their way towards this very building

"You've gotta be kidding me...somethings come up, I have to go- Crap!" My eyes searched for the fastest possible exit out fo the building, the closest thing were windows but I was on the third, maybe fourth floor? Injuries over death was good but did it really have to be windows...but the data - we needed it. "Hey boss, how badly do we need the data here?"

My feet carried me over to the nearest computer, even as I asked the question - I knew the answer, that the numbers meant more than my own life and I had to make that sacrifice if the situation did call for it...which it did "More than you know, why? What's the situation?" My fingers typed the keys transferring all the data we had back to where we agreed to save it if we were desperate

"Oh, y'know - nothing terrible, I'll handle it. You handle the bar, save me a whiskey okay? I like that stuff" the footsteps grew closer, so much that I knew it could be heard on the other end of the line - if I was going out, it wasn't going to be in tears, I wanted people to laugh and smile at how much of a reckless idiot I was "don't tell anyone I curse like a sailor - I'm not good at technology"

The upload finished as I started "Wha-" I zoned out the rest of the phone call but I couldn't bring myself to hang up - if this was where I died, I wanted their voices to be the last I heard...for once, I didn't want to be alone. I picked up the speed as I came towards the window, then I jumped. The second I left the building, it was gone. Crushed. Obliterated.

There I lay amongst the rubble, aching all over. I just stared up at the sky covered in dust and bricks, the phone had broken and the voices had vanished - why couldn't I bring myself to tell Dabi that I loved him? If I did live and what a miracle that would be - he'd only be embarrassed and annoyed so what was the point? He'd heard it before, same words but a different one of voice. He was more than a lover...he was my family

Then everything went dark...

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