Demonic Acts

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A few weeks later

Today was the day i really got to prove myself to the league. Yes they knew i could handle myself on my own due to the way i took back what was mine now i had to work as a team, now that's something i haven't done for quite a while. A group of students from that prissy hero school, UA, were taking a field trip to assess where danger could be lurking or something like that but little did they knew danger was waiting for them.

I was playing the 'innocent victim' role pretending to be part of the carnival, just a simple concession stand worker, I'd allowed Himiko to have some of my blood so she could take my form but no way was I stripping off in the middle of a festival for that, no I was clever and gave her some of my other clothes. Dabi seemed 'comfortable' with me but the part I didn't like was that he was in charge of one got to be in charge of me but me! But if that's what Shigaraki likes, then its what I'll put up with, isn't it?

My arms leaned on the counter while I sipped my ice coffee I managed to get on the way here, it wasn't the best but it was pretty good considering I was surrounded by cotton candy and fizzy drinks, I wasn't a huge fan of sugar since it made Himiko go into a blood-lust frenzy which then I had to handle being her sister.

"Are you drinking on the job?!" Shigaraki clearly wasn't happy with my choice of beverage "yea, iced coffee. I only had alcohol as a kid when the folks didn't allow it...haven't touched the stuff since" chills ran down my spine "Can't you cause a distraction or something?" I chuckled darkly "like Himiko?" there was a short pause through the coms "Like a 'Toga'" I swung my legs over top of the counter and wandered around in search of opportunity, but then I saw a man with a dart gun  laughing manically...that was my thing!

"Step up for a one way ticket to hell" I forced myself into a hyper state that Himiko was constantly in "Actually, I'd like a one way ticket to heaven please" I started bouncing up and down frantically with my hands gesturing to myself "Go on, shoot! C'mon shoot me!" he started to back away as people started to stare concerned for my mental health and wellbeing just like I wanted them to.

"Nothing can keep me from getting what I want when there's something I really really want!" the man was practically falling backwards and aiming the gun more for protection than anything "So shoot me!" his eyes searched around for help but when they landed on Himiko or 'other me', well lets just say he lost it pushing me away harder and harder but he didn't know when you push me, I push back

"Get away from me!" I couldn't help but giggle as I brought up both my middle fingers and sprinting backwards as he fell into a trunk of water. "He fell!" Himiko seemed overjoyed that the man ended up in the bucket but by Tomura's silence, I knew he wasn't. He probably thought it was childish but he asked me to 'act like a Toga' so I did, its not my problem if that's not what he wanted.

That's when I finally spotted some of those students we were attacking, they seemed so oblivious but then they weren't alone...Eraserhead. We'd had a few run-ins in the past so he knew me but he didn't know I was a league member. I was the girl who pulled all his student's strings or more specifically...their veins. My back was turned to them as I glanced over my shoulder coldly. No one knew were Twice had disappeared off to, last person he'd spoken to was Tomura who wouldn't speak to anyone about the words they shared which made trust him slightly less even though I knew it was better if I didn't know.

"Get their attention" Shigaraki's words were loud and clear in my earpiece, but so were Aizawa's eyes scanning the area. I disappeared into the back of the stall then found a bunch of students "You guys want some 'real fun'?" the blonde boy was the first to turn around with a fierce look in his eye "There's a stall at the edge of the fair, they put something in the drinks, gives you a real kick" they looked at me like I was some drug I was crazy, just like my parents did.

Eyes bore into the back of my neck "It's funny how you think i'm bothered...Eraserhead" I shook a little vile behind my back as a threat "Step away from them...Viper" I raised the vile in front of me "Oh c'mon, we both know I don't need my quirk to beat you. I just came to 'enjoy the fair'" I threw the glass to the floor near the students "don't you know, once I latch on..i don't let go"

While the students were smothered with a blood red gas which was just evaporated blood. I hid behind a corner and jerked my fingers causing the gas to grip their necks "come out and face me!" I breathed in heavily as smoke filled the air along with screams causing people to run in terror, Himiko was the one who decided to face him, i'd learned that once she locked eyes on Izuku, there was no stopping that girl.

While she toyed around with Aizawa, I threw my hand to the floor glaring at the group of kids as the gas turned into a harsh boiling liquid beginning to smother their bodies as they cried out "Don't bother...or do? I don't care. You won't live long enough to matter to me anyway" I marched into the crowd grasping the green boy for Himiko "it's nothing personal" and dragged him away to the circus area.

It was when we got to the dysfunctional mirror bit that realise something, when I used my quirk, my eyes shifted to a dark red colour however a punch in the gut brought me back to my prisoner "Aizawa didn't mention me did he? Funny how he doesn't talk about the people he expelled" I think Aizawa knew I was a villain when I did the entrance exam or something, I had a record with the bad kiddies school and a real good grade with chemistry "who am I kidding?! I was a villian before I finished middle school" I threw my hand towards him letting blood flow from my fingertips "there's another way!" He screamed as he dodged but I swung my arm under where my other was making a crimson wall block him.

Unexpectedly, an arm swung around my neck putting me into a headlock. My fingers gripped on the arm as a hand came towards my face "do anything stupid and I'll blow your face off!" Two of my fingers drove into his vein on his neck "not before you die!" The blood gathered and hardened under my fingertips creating the start of a blood clot. He slowly grew weaker as I managed to slip free as a few sparks lit up inside his grip.

I spun to see more of his classmates surrounding me "you're surrounded, give up now and it'll be easier for both of us" I looked at Aizawa as I started to think I'd been used as a distraction however that didn't change the situation in the slightest. My lips drew in a cold breath as I coiled the blood that remained around my body then removed a large vial of 'blackout' from my pocket "you remember this little vial right? You won't be able to save them all. You would either stop me or save them"

I hadn't noticed his scarf wrapped around me replacing the blood-like tentacles, but the vial was in my hand so it hadn't dropped "even better idea! What if one of your lucky little learners was to ingest it? Now that would be one hell of a mess t...

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I hadn't noticed his scarf wrapped around me replacing the blood-like tentacles, but the vial was in my hand so it hadn't dropped "even better idea! What if one of your lucky little learners was to ingest it? Now that would be one hell of a mess to clear up" I couldn't help but laugh at how I'd turned the tables on him, I paced in a small circles staring each pupil down "new test kiddies! Who wants to endure a little bit of hellfire, no need to be afraid, it'll only hurt a lot and you would die from it"

as no volunteers stepped forward, i grinned "Drop the vial, Riku" I let the tube slip from my fingers before covering my mouth and nose "I never said we were on a first name basis" I skipped past him and out of the circus area towards the road to find my motorbike parked where I left it. I drove away from the scene filled with anxiety for where my allegiance truly lay.

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