Last minute tide

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The next morning
Today would be hell and I knew it. In just a few hours we would be storming the gates of UA, even if it was supposed to be a great achievement, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong. Music blared in the clearing i tested my toys in as I threw the blood into the target before painfully pulling back into my veins which were slowly being filled with tiny paper shards.

I'd abandoned Dabi in bed after finding the bruises coating both our bodies, the way he ran his tongue down my body was still clear in my mind.

Neither of us were supposed to be able to feel this way, we were villains! We weren't supposed to be weak or feel any of this soft stuff! If that was really true, then why did we? Oh right, we're still human! Well most of us are.

I stood there plucking shards out of my veins painfully "Damn it!" I shook it off quickly as I threw an explosive lantern at the last target "Well at least we know it works" I spun to see Twice "Dabi's been searching for you" I sighed gesturing around us "welcome to the 'workshop'...or at least the testing field"

I picked up another and started examining the iron frame, I couldn't afford to make mistakes this late in the game. I didn't have time to remake the same amount again, even if I did, they wouldn't be up to the same standards...and I wouldn't accept that.

Why'd I decide to sleep with Dabi the night before we would attack the school? I mean sure, he's hot and he's sarcastic but I didn't mean to bed him! Well I did but not last night...he just had to play with my feelings, that was all.  All guys I've been with tend to do that which shows I really should be more careful who and when I hand my heart over.

"She's back! She's back! She's back!" I gesture to myself "I guess I'm back?" Twice took his place beside my sister as Dabi smirked at me

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"She's back! She's back! She's back!" I gesture to myself "I guess I'm back?" Twice took his place beside my sister as Dabi smirked at me. "Someone broke in last night and made a mess in Viper's room. It looked like they were looking for something...any idea what?"

Dabi and I both realised what Shigaraki was on about "uh yea definitely a 'break in'. It was just some low life looking for something to sell, he knew nothing. Drunk as usual so probably passed out not far off when I threw him out, trust me he won't remember anything"

Both Dabi and Shigaraki gave me a look "where'd you throw him?" I rubbed the back of my neck "I sort of dragged his ass to the junkyard and left him there...but he was blindfolded, I think?"

Shigaraki stood "why so unsure?" I pointed to the box "the chemicals go to my head sometimes" a lot of my science buddies used to huff that stuff for kicks back in the day but I was more for the experiments that we weren't necessarily allowed to due during the day...because it's 'completely safe' to blow up different class rooms to see how much the walls vibrate.

because it's 'completely safe' to blow up different class rooms to see how much the walls vibrate

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"Change of plans, we're holding off the attack until we get a bigger party. Gather anyone you can" my eyes went wide at the thought of my ex, sure he went to that assassination school but surely he's not good enough for the league...right? Dammit Karma! I'd rather stick my head in a blender than talk to the idiot again. The sad thing is that he wasn't my only problem now, I was also running out of cash so either I needed to rob a bank or get a job...whichever is quicker I guess.

"You got that look on your face" Dabi's words caught me off guard "I know a guy, quirkless but extremely good with weapons. One problem, we aren't on speaking terms"

That seemed to catch everyone's attention "what'd he do, break your heart?" I folded my arms "it's not up for discussion" twice suddenly got very close

"Aww, such tragedies are common in the world of love" I shrugged him off wanting to move off this topic "it wasn't like that! Just...I would very much not like to converse with this guy again and I don't plan to. That's my one limit...can change the subject pretty please?" It seemed to work too well except for Himiko who started begging for details.

"C'mon you gotta give us more than just hating him!" I put my frustration into scrubbing the bar while kurogiri was debating strategies with the hand-man

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"C'mon you gotta give us more than just hating him!" I put my frustration into scrubbing the bar while kurogiri was debating strategies with the hand-man

"What was his name?" I rolled my eye "asshole mcjerkson" my sister pouted "aren't you supposed to be searching for help?" She perked straight up "I am! I'm looking for your mystery man!" I let out a loud groan of annoyance "we were 14! I don't even know if he's still in Japan?" I wasn't about to mention that I knew his friends too.

The questioning went on for hours leaving me slumped over the very surface I cleaned "Himiko I swear if you don't stop asking questions, I will take the sponge and shove it so far down your throat, I'll be able to dip my hand in all the blood you've ingested...okay?"

Dabi motioned for her to leave me alone "so it was you? What? Didn't have the guts to ask me yourself?" He chuckled lightly "you're not at frightening as you think you are. Especially once I've seen 'all of you'" I hit him playfully "I covered for you once, I won't do it again" was he actually smiling? Wow I didn't think I was that funny?

"So what'd he do to you?" I kept my eyes down "when I was at my lowest, I went to him seeking comfort of some sort, but instead...I got five bullets to the gut. He left me there laughing before I dragged myself to get help, just before I passed out, his best friend picked me up and drove me to the nearest ER. I left and we haven't spoken since"

his fingers rubbed my wrist "so that's what those marks were" my mouth dropped open from embarrassment "sooner or later someone will hear you, then we'll be in trouble" he smiled "why are you only fun, after everyone's gone?" I shrugged "less pressure to perform I guess? It's crazy, I don't feel like I have to pretend to be someone else when it's just you"

His eyes lit fires inside of me "you look tired" I scoffed "thank you?" He raised an eyebrow "not like that" I pointed at him "it is mostly your fault"

Before I could say another word, he swung me over his shoulder and started down the hallway. Lucky for him, I truly was exhausted so this would be the one opportunity he could do this without me ripping him to shreads

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