Don't threaten me with a good time

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The next day
It was weird today. Everyone was requested to wear their own clothes but it had to be black and formal-ish, I took the opportunity to hide weapons everywhere on me. But we were requested to come in earlier than anyone else

"Riku...what if we're the head maids?" I turned slightly "can there be two?" She looked down "there was once" I rubbed her shoulder "then I'll make sure they pick me. Plus I'm taking over soon if they are" she put her full attention on me "how? They're so rich and powerful" I pulled up my skirt showing the knives strapped to my leg "a little deal with Dabi, if I get in a bad situation where I can't take it anymore - I'll send the location and they'll come grab us, setting everyone free"

She still looked nervous "you trust them? They're villains aren't they?" I nodded "they have only abandoned me once. That was my initiation, but even if they don't, I'll bust us out. I'll try and stick with you" that seemed to act as a confidence booster. Besides, how bad could it possibly get?

The second we stepped in the maid's entrance with our bags, the son of the 'master' ordered us to follow him to one of the guest bedrooms "my father's realised the relationship you two have formed. What are you're names?"

His eyes showed interest "Ichika Watanabe, my Lord" his gaze drifted to me "Riku Toga, my Lord" he sat on the couch that rested against the foot of the bed in a casual manner "are you aware of what's happening?" The girl next to me shook her head quickly while I stayed still awaiting an answer that would put both our minds to rest.

He ordered us to put our bags down and remove all 'alterations' his father has made to us if possible, and luckily it still was. "The family is picking new head maids, some of you will be given as gifts to associates based on your behaviour in this room for the next 24 hours, the 'freakier' the better"

That explains the bedroom but it made my blood boil none the less "in this room, you have the freedom to say 'no'" his eyes stayed on me "have you ever tried wearing something a little more...y'know" he gestured to his chest area "no my lord, because I have no need to. I'm happy as I am"

He scoffed "that's why you don't have a boyfriend and you're stuck here" I shrugged "but I do have a boyfriend, and I'm not stuck here" he was speechless "you can't speak to me this way!"

I leaned forward "why not? You're not any higher than I am. It's a little thing called 'equality', people would like you more if you used it" a smile crept on my face before he grabbed my jaw slamming me into the wall behind me "Riku!" His face was extremely close to mine

"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?! You got two choices, either make out with the french fry next to you or so help me I will make sure you go to someone who'll put you in your place" I smiled "bet you didn't think about the cameras, huh playboy?"

He looked stunned "the- what?!" I couldn't help but smile "cameras in each corner of the room and above the bed for perverted reasons, but unless you're a maid you wouldn't know that because you wouldn't have to clean the lenses"

A smirk painted Ichika's face as the man went pale "You weren't supposed to know about them..." I could heard the darkness in his voice, I was on thin ice "forget giving you to someone cruel, I'll take you for myself come tomorrow morning!" his arms folded across his chest stiffly

"So start making out" I shook my head slowly "Your 'master' demands it!" I couldn't help but giggle slightly "Has that line ever worked for you?" His hand made contact with my cheek "now I see it. Now I see why that wife of yours is always nervous around you...arranged marriage right?"

He opened his mouth before closing it again "S-she loves me! She loves our children! You wouldn't know the first thing about that!" I shrugged feeling tired of his games and attitude towards us, or more

"No, I wouldn't. You know why? Because big shots like you made my family believe I need to be 'fixed' so they threw me out just after I turned seven. Precious, right? The next people made me believe I was 'broken'. Then when I was fifteen, that's when I thought I found 'love'. That 'love' turned out to be a pretty little gut shot. I spent a few years alone, but now...I got myself a boy that makes hell look like a daydream. So tell me again, what would I know about 'love'?" I moved intimidatingly for him causing his sorry ass to dash out the door locking it behind him.

"Was all of that true?" I turned to look at the dresser "no, they threw me out when I was six" she seemed shocked at my self-hate driven self of humour.

"they were terrified of me, their own daughter. In their eyes, I was this monster, this abomination that they needed to rid the world of. I accidentally cut my leg in the park with friends and there was this squirrel... it just sounded like he was laughing at me so I got mad, the next thing I know...the poor thing was bleeding out as droplets of my blood drove holes through its body. Himiko full on ate a bird and killed a boy in high school before she ran away. As far as I know, they still count her as 'their daughter'"

My eyes drifted to the cameras as I fiddled with the lens coverings in my hand. my feet hopped on the bed before I slipped the velvet coin-shaped cover over the camera above the bed then I jumped back down grabbing my phone out my bag going into the league chat and thinking about what to say.

Umm Dabi, about the situation we 'spoke' about...well its happening and we're both not in the best situation. I sort of ranted at the boss's son who said he'd take me as his own tomorrow morning or something...look I forgive everything you've ever done to me and the dumb arguments we have. I just really want you to hold me again like we used to, God I wish I never took this stupid job! If we don't make it...I love you -  Viper🐍🩸

It was mushy but it was heartfelt, I needed him more than anything right now. Despite what he had people believe, Dabi was actually pretty soft when it came to people he cared about. "Are they coming?" I shrugged slowly as I sat on the bed with my head in my hands

"Hey, it'll be okay. We have to have faith. Can you do the thing?" I pushed down on my leg forcing the knives to dig into my thigh drawing blood which I used to block out the cameras while she changed into something more comfortable. I guess she didn't feel the lense coverings were enough?

She curled up on the bed next to me as I had an arm around her "aren't you going to sleep?" My head rested against the headboard "nah, I'll keep watch. This isn't the first night I've gone without sleep. But I'll be able to after tomorrow when we're both safe and jobless"

Did he touch you? - Dabi💜

It really hadn't taken long for Ichika to fall asleep even in an unsafe situation but I wouldn't let anyone take advantage of her, she was too pure for that. It shouldn't happen to any girl but least of all her. Now wasn't the time to tell Dabi about my little initiation here but the fresh hit was still visible so I bet that would still be there tomorrow, I wouldn't have time to hide that.

No more than usual - Viper🐍🩸

Now wasn't the time to relive all the places I'd been violated, I wouldn't be thrilled to share every single detail with my real lover but Dabi deserved to know, maybe he could help me feel less violated somehow? If that's even possible...but where's there violation there can be liberation.

Viper TongueWhere stories live. Discover now