City of Angels

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The next morning
After getting up a few hours earlier than usual, I sat on the floor in front of the mirror realising how horrific I looked. Oh how far I'd fallen from being a villian to a petty maid for a perverted old man, but I can't be a villian if I'm broke.

Who knew crying yourself to sleep could make you look worse than Shigaraki? I got to work quickly fixing my face and hiding my scars. None of this felt right, not even the slipping out the window in a skimpy maid outfit with my bag over my shoulder without a single knife in sight. This was pushing my limit and my morals at the same time as well as my anxiety levels. At least I had anti-depressant to help with my nervous state

I wonder if Dabi would be proud of me? That I stepped outside my comfort zone? No! Forget Dabi! I can't trust that bastard! He sold me out! I can't trust anyone! If I want something done, I'll do it myself! Wait! How would I explain to the boss why I'm not around as much anymore? Could I even do this? Can someone please take me back to when everything was so simple and easy? I must've been around 3 or 4. Yea! Let's go back there!

It wasn't long before I arrived across the road from the mansion, it was huge! How'd I even find my way around?! I suddenly spotted the owner outside with another maid. she was tall, thin, fair skinned with pretty green eyes.

The main thing about this job was that the maids were supposed to be 'quirkless', know how to work in a cafe since the old guy also owner a little place and guess what the theme was? Maids! Oh and we're supposed to refer to him as 'master' which makes so uncomfortable but I guess I'd just have to say it.

I strolled gracefully across the street bowing in respect "you must be the new maid" I shivered as his eyes studied my figure "why don't you spin?" Reluctantly, I waddled in a circle hating my situation "you cut quite the figure in that uniform. We can do something about the height and eyes later on once you're settled" I thanked him regretting every word and hating myself for even taking this job, all he'd done is point out my insecurities "thank you, 'master'" if he and his help weren't watching me, I would've vomited then and there.

We walked behind his wheelchair as he wheeled himself towards the house, it was clear he could still use his legs so why the wheelchair? "House rules: only speak when you're spoken to, only come when you're summoned and you have to do 'everything' asked of you"

I was concerned what he meant by 'everything' but I could always quit on the spot if it got too bad. Part of me wanted to compliment his estate but he said don't speak unless spoken to, that would be shattering that rule on the first day. I wasn't a villain right now, but I swear I'd come back to bite this man in the ass, and not in the good way.

All the other staff seemed lovely, it wasn't surprising when they were all young and attractive "the 'master' said to give these to new girl" I raised my hand in shame as she brought over a pair of stilettos and ocean blue contacts

"Did he change anything about any of you?" It turned out some of them had even gotten surgeries to keep their jobs but most of them it was things like cutting their hair, dying it, eye contacts, flats and heels, ass implants, chest implants, lose weight, gain weight, tanning, less tanning. This man loved to modify us.

"I've never worn stilettos" the girl next to me suddenly slid her feet out from under the table revealing her pair "it's super hard at first but then you get used to them"

I wasn't sure how I felt about changing myself for someone else but it was for the money, which was for the league. It was for Himiko? Yea! All for little Himiko. I noticed the straps of the shoes were practically carved into her little feet "do you want me to help you?" I sighed "thanks but I think I got it"

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