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Three Weeks later
I'd been swept up by the Shie Hassaikai off the streets, apparently I was barely alive when I got here. This was the longest I'd ever gone without coffee, the longest I'd gone without contact to the outside world which meant everyone thought I was dead

For transport to 'keep me alive' since apparently I was still 'too weak to survive the outside world', I had to wear a gas mask which conveniently for Overhaul had a collar attached but this time...the spikes were on the inside so one wrong move would mean an execution on his hands

So along he dragged me through the streets until we came to the warehouse my time with the league began in. It seemed so ironic but the voices inside were raised and aggravated "you see how flawed the league really is? They have all the pieces to the puzzle but no brain to put them together, for a time that was you...then the Viper died"

His tone almost sounded remorseful as he continued to try and persuade me to leave the people I'd grown an attachment to. I was trying to be grateful for my life but he was also part of the reason I was dying - in payment for my life, he'd taken blood as a weapon for his own endeavours...I was yet another person's toy and I hated it! But there was nothing I could do, too much was at stake

"Don't you get it dabi, you're pretty little dead" tension was running high, it was sweet to know Dabi was still hanging onto my memories but if I had died - I'd have wanted him to move on instead of being a corpse- clinger, dead was dead and there was no changing that. Being brought back from the beyond would've been gross enough...just no!

A hand pushed me towards the door "why don't you go say 'hi' for me?" My feet stumbled as I hesitated, I wasn't ready to come alive just yet. The longer I stayed out of the picture, the more I could work on the outside and the more they could get done - I wasn't stupid, I knew right now I was dead weight and couldn't contribute anything but a mouth to feed

"You expect me to leave a job half finished? And here I thought you knew me" all silence fell as they all looked at me stunned. They couldn't see my face but I think the sound of my voice was enough, it wasn't like I could move very far with the chain around my neck which led outside the door to the Shie Hassaikai and their 'main star'. Every part of me wanted to turn around and rip apart that bird brain

"The gas mask was the only way to improve her lung condition after the attack - she would've died from dust corruption if we hadn't found her" apart from the fact everyone could hear me breathing like 'darth vader' along side the neck piece, the design felt pretty cool - vintage in a new light. I'd have to add something similar to my normal piece later on

But the moment those blue eyes bore into mine, it was like time had frozen. It wasn't like this when we first met, there was no 'click' or 'love at first sight' - it was relationship powered by curiosity which I thought had burned out so to speak...but it seemed I was wrong, by the looks of things - he still loved me. Yet I knew what was about to happen could change that, change the game completely

Out of nowhere, Big Sis Magne threw herself at Overhaul leading to him tugging my chain backwards violently causing the spikes to enter my oesophagus so that I was left sat against the wall choking on my own blood. Dabi was long gone but Magne...she was everywhere in the room, or at least her remains were. Bloodied tears slid out from under the mask blending in with my neck "s-stop" no one heard me, but it didn't matter - people were dead and it was my fault

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen - oh well, collateral damage" I blacked in and out of the conversation "I told you, you're too weak to live in the outside world yet...but you didn't listen, you just kept asking, and asking. See what you did?" His fingers slipped in between the collar and my wounds "filthy" he was right, I'd gotten in the way of something I didn't understand

Once he walked away for a bit, I stared at twice helplessly as he held Mr Compress in fear "H-help m-me" the next thing I knew, I was being carried out limply awaiting my death signalling that Overhaul had said his piece and I'd be hooked up to a machine in no time unless I did something fast, but that time wasn't now...

Now was the time to wait...

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