Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, this is one of my favorite stories ever, so I wanted to make it a Jenlisa fanfic. The original one is made by Leidee D from and it's a Rizzles fanfic.

I hope you all like it as much as I do :)


Jennie Kim was a well respected and put together 17-year old. She earned all A's throughout grade school and was the student every teacher dreamed of having in their classroom. For the past two years, Jennie has been attending public high school in Boston. She liked her school. She even liked her teachers. But there was one thing, well one individual that she could not tolerate. Her bully, Lalisa Manoban.

Lisa was a trouble maker; she always mouthed off teachers, was sent to the principal's office, and even got suspended for a fight or two; and out of all the prospective students in the entire school to pick on, she chose Jennie.

Since sophomore year when she started at her new school, Jennie has been Lisa's target and she could not for the life of her figure out why. Jennie considered herself a nice person. She dressed well and never started trouble. In fact, no one besides her teachers seemed to notice Jennie, but Lisa did. And not in a nice way. Whether it was calling her Ruby Jane, giving her a shove in the hallway, or shooting spitballs in her hair during class, it all amounted to her experience of hell in high school. What Jennie really longed for was a friendship. A companion she could talk to and would understand her and all her weird vices. It was now her Senior year and she knew if she had not found it by now at this school, she never would.

Jennie was walking to her first class of the day when suddenly all three of the textbooks she was holding were pushed out of her hands. They thudded heavily on the tiled hallway and Jennie looked up, catching a sight she had grown familiar with. Mischievous dark brown eyes.

"Whoops. Sorry about that Ruby Jane," Lisa snickered, as she continued on her way with a grin on her face.

Jennie frowned after her and bent down to retrieve her books. Unfortunately, this was a typical day and for Jennie and it was only the beginning. Lisa would find another way to bother her. She just didn't know when, where or how.

The day seemed to carry on without incident, mostly because Jennie made sure to take a different route from class to class everyday. A little trick she figured out. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Perhaps today was lucky.

Wrong. Her luck had drastically run out during Anatomy class when the teacher split them into partners. Her heart plummeted when the teacher announced her lab partner for the day was Lisa. Jennie had been lucky not getting stuck with the blonde this past year because a majority of the time Lisa either ditched class or was suspended. But not today.

When the teacher told the class to disperse and find their partners, Jennie immediately went up to her teacher's desk. "Mr. Brooks?"

"Yes, Jennie. What can I do for you?" He smiled pleasantly.

"Would it be an inconvenience if I asked to switch partners with one of the other pairs?"

Mr. Brooks furrowed his brows. "Is there a problem?"

Jennie turned from her teacher and her eyes found Lisa slouching back comfortably in a chair at a lab table. She had already been looking at Jennie. An amused smirk curled her lips. Jennie felt slightly angered by the joy this situation had brought to Lisa and she turned back to her teacher. "Well, it's Lisa, Mr. Brooks. She and I don't really... get along."

"Why Jennie? you seem to get along well with everyone. Plus, you are the smartest one in my class and well... I think it will do Ms. Manoban some good to be able to work with you. She's... a tad behind in her studies but perhaps a partnership with you will help her out."

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