Chapter 24

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The snow has melted, trees have blossomed leaves the colors of green, yellow, violet and white, grass was fully luscious, and flowers have bloomed. It was Springtime in Boston. Lisa and Jennie had been dating for nearly five months now and were happier than ever.

For the past two months the senior class at their high school was all a buzz over college scholarships and applications. Jennie had her heart set on attending Boston-Cambridge University. She wanted to study medicine and eventually become a medical examiner one day. It took Lisa a moment to warm up to the idea, but it did make since. It was an unusual occupation and Jennie was unusual in her own way. The brunette had said she wanted to, "Speak for the dead" and Lisa found that honorable.

The blonde was still undecided on her plans for the future, but at the moment there was a much more pressing matter at hand.

"Are you serious about this?" Lisa asked. Jennie stared at Lisa with an expression that confirmed how serious she was. "Jennie, prom is like two months from now."

"Six weeks."

"Whatever. I was close enough."

"Don't whatever me."

Both girls were in Jennie's large kitchen fixing a snack for their movie night. Lisa was leaning her elbows on the kitchen island while Jennie poured popcorn into a bowl for them to share.

"Picking the right prom dress is a delicate process. You have to check the lines, bust measurement, length... oh! I'll have to get matching shoes, jewelry..."

"I'm getting a headache," Lisa buried her head in her hands.

Jennie gave Lisa a bemused look before picking up the bowl and heading into the den. Lisa followed. "My point is Lisa; I'm not waiting until the last second. If I do, all of the choice dresses will be gone."

They settled on the cushioned couch together in front of the large flat screen. Their thighs were mushed together.

"Then what will I do?"

"Well, gee I don't know, Jen. It does sound like a life or death situation."

Jennie narrowed her eyes with a small smile. "I don't need your approval anyway. Chanmi agrees with me."

"She would," Lisa murmured before scarfing down a handful of popcorn.

"Why are you so lackluster about this? My mother has graciously agreed to contribute the funds for our prom attire, including Mino and Chanmi , because she knows how special this is."

Lisa rolled her eyes slightly. "Okay, I'm sorry. I appreciate Chae-rin helping us out, but Jen it's just clothes to me. You know I don't like the whole dressing up thing."

"I know, but this isn't just about me. I want to look good for you also."

"You look good in anything you do or don't wear," Lisa grinned devilishly.

Jennie gave her a small smirk. "But this is a special occasion, Lisa. We only get one prom."

Lisa sighed and placed her arm on the back of the couch, resting it behind Jennie's head. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Thank you." Jennie snuggled against Lisa and they began to watch television.

"I can't wait to see your dress," Jennie said with a smile in her voice.

Lisa stopped mid-chew on her popcorn and looked at Jennie as if she had grown a third eye. "My dress?"

"Of course."

"That's never gonna happen. I don't wear dresses, Jennie."

"But with your physique and body structure you'd look stunning in..."

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