Chapter 20 (M)

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Jennie slowly broke the kiss and sat up, looking down at Lisa with dark eyes. Lisa's hands ran up Jennie's creamy thighs that were exposed due to her night gown riding up her waist. Jennie reached for the hem of her gown and lifted it up and over her head. Lisa could not stop the soft moan that escaped her lips as Jennie's naked torso was exposed to her for the first time. Her heart pounded in her ears and arousal coursed through her veins as her eyes took in Jennie's firm, round, perfect breasts. They were way better that she pictured and her hands itched to touch them. Her eyes finally moved up to meet vulnerable brown as Jennie looked at her with bated breath.

Jennie had watched Lisa's eyes examine her body in silent speculation. She had never been this exposed to anyone. She was offering herself. What if Lisa was disappointed in what she saw?

"You're more beautiful than I imagined," Lisa whispered sincerely.

Jennie released a breath of relief and softly smiled at the loving expression on Lisa's face. She felt the blonde's hands slowly begin to move from her hips and up to her waist. Though Jennie was trembling with anticipation herself, she found it enduring that Lisa's hands seemed to be shaking as well. The blonde was as nervous as Jennie was. Lisa flattened her hands against Jennie's flat stomach and moved them up, finally cupping the naked flesh of the brunette's breasts. Lisa nearly came just from the moan that elicited from Jennie's lips at her touch. After kneading Jennie's breasts for a while, Lisa was no longer able to hold back. She quickly sat up and hugged Jennie to her tightly, burying her face in Jennie's chest. Jennie cradled Lisa's head to her and closed her eyes at the strong emotion she was feeling.

"Oh, Jennie..." Lisa groaned out. She felt compelled to thank Jennie for this moment. To thank her for letting her be this close. To thank her for loving her.

Jennie shivered at the sound of Lisa's raspy voice moaned as Lisa began to trail open mouthed kissed down her chest. Jennie was struggling to keep her body calm, but the trembling from being this close to the girl she loved was inevitable. Suddenly, her left nipple was circled by the wetness and warmth and Lisa's mouth. Jennie's head suddenly snapped and she moaned. She bit her bottom lip as Lisa nibbled and sucked on her pink nipple. Lisa groaned as she felt Jennie's hand travel up her neck and into her hair. Jennie's hands were buried in Lisa's dark strands and was pulling her closer. This turned Lisa on even more, knowing that Jennie was enjoying this. She switched to the other breast and did the same but more hungrily.

Lisa wanted to feel more. She reached for her tank top and quickly removed it from her body. Lisa's breasts were before her and Jennie seemed to be in a trance as she stared. Lisa grasped her hands and her heartbeat fluttered as they were placed over her Lisa's breasts. Lisa closed her eyes at the contact before cupping Jennie's face and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. After a few minutes, Jennie felt herself being gently maneuvered onto her back and Lisa was now on top of her. Their eyes connected and Jennie saw all the love, trust and care that was in her heart being reflect back at her through Lisa's soft brown eyes. She knew she had nothing to be afraid of. Jennie allowed Lisa to capture her lips once more and nearly cried by how soft and tender the blonde was. Lisa had always been gentle with her but this was different. This was a whole new level of passion Jennie had never experienced.

Lisa ended the kiss and moved down to Jennie's neck, below her right ear. She gasped as her hands ran along the sides of Lisa's strong arms. Lisa sought out to worship this girl's body. She had only dreamed of this moment of making love to Jennie Kim and she was not going to take it for granted.

At an achingly slow pace, she placed kisses down Jennie's body; on her chest, down her sternum, on her stomach, and below her belly button. She stopped when her lips reached the top of Jennie's panties. She closed her eyes as she smelled Jennie's arousal. It smelled sweet. With Lisa so close to her aching need, Jennie could not stop her shaking. Lisa noticed this and moved back up Jennie's body so they were face to face.

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