Chapter 5

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Jennie went downstairs and entered the den, only this time Bambam was nowhere to be seen. Lisa soon joined her.

"What should we do first?" Jennie asked.

"I don't know," Lisa begrudgingly replied. "We can watch a movie, I guess."

"That sounds fun!" Jennie perked up. "What are we watching?" She made her way to the couch and took a seat.

"Uh..." Lisa shrugged. "I heard Jackson mention X-Men, so, let's do that." Lisa walked over to the living room.

"What are X-Men?"

Lisa turned from the case of movies and raised her eyebrow at Jennie in surprise. "You've never seen X-Men? Mutated superheroes with awesome super powers that save the earth over and over?"

Jennie shrugged. She truly had no idea what this film was.

"Wow. Okay, we're watching this movie," Lisa said, popping the disc in the player.

Bambam walked into the room and frowned at his sister. "Hey, we were gonna watch that."

"I know, dummy. That's why I'm putting it on. You're welcome."

Bambam rolled his eyes and resumed his spot on the floor, in front of the TV. Lisa shuffled over to the couch and sat on the opposite end from Jennie. About five minutes later, Jackson entered the room, carrying two large bowls of popcorn. He handed one to Lisa.

"Thanks, Jackson. Mom had you bring these in?"

"What? You don't think I'd fix you popcorn out of the goodness of my heart?" Jackson asked in mock hurt.

"Not a chance."

Jackson playfully kicked her leg and she leaned forward smacking him in the arm before he took the armchair that was diagonal from the couch.

Jennie sat back in amusement as she watched Lisa interact with her siblings. Lisa actually seemed cute when she was bantering back and forth with them. Just being in the presence of the three Manobans for minutes at a time, Jennie could tell Lisa loved her brothers dearly. Seeing this side of Lisa actually made it seem as though the blonde had a heart under that hard exterior. Who knew? Lisa glanced her way and Jennie instinctively smiled softly. Though she had not meant anything by the smile, not this time anyway, Lisa shyly averted her eyes towards the television and placed the bowl of popcorn between them on the couch.

They were now a half hour into the movie and Jennie could not deny that the film was unusually entertaining. Though she knew a majority of the things presented in the movie were scientifically impossible, she chose to hold her tongue about it. Inside she was bursting to splurge why human mutation of this extent could not exist, but she knew her lecture would make her seem... well, weird. So, she remained silent.

Jennie glanced at Bambam on the floor and then Jackson on the chair. Both of them had their eyes glued to the screen. Every once and awhile comment they would make a comment. Jennie then discreetly looked Lisa's way. Since the blonde was also engrossed in the film, Jennie took a moment to study Lisa's profile. The brunette had never really noticed before, but Lisa was... attractive. But not just attractive... beautiful. The unruly blond locks, the distinct cheekbones, long lashes, tanned skin and of course those dark brown eyes. Even with slight bruising around her nose, Lisa was still a looker.

Jennie shook her head and turned her attention back to the movie. No. She could not think Lisa was beautiful. Not Lisa. This was the girl who threw spitballs in her hair, tripped her in the hallway, called her names, and poured Hawaiian Punch on her white blouse during lunchtime at school. She could not be beautiful. But damn it... She was.

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