Chapter 22

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Lisa sat on the steps of the back porch, looking up at the stars. It was a cold December evening and the blonde was all bundled up and dressed for the Manoban family outing that night. 'Winter Nights' was a huge public lighting display the Manobans went to every Christmas Eve. They always enjoyed the music, food and activities that were offered. Only this time, Lisa was looking forward to sharing those experiences with Jennie. That was no longer possible. The brunette had been gone for two days and Lisa missed her terribly. Though they have been staying in touch via phone and texting, it was not the same.

Lisa sighed sadly.

"Missin' your girl?"

Lisa looked over her shoulder and saw her father standing by the backdoor. He was in his blue buffalo plaid hat with a matching jacket lined with wool. Lisa remembered he had gotten that ensemble last Christmas from Uhm. She gave smile that barely reached her eyes and then looked at the sky once more. "How'd you know?"

"Your face. I'd look the same way when me and your mother were apart."

"It just sucks Pop," Lisa said, looking down at her glove covered hands. "I really wanted Jennie to go with us this year."

"I know, kid." Sung Wang walked over and carefully settled himself down on the step beside his daughter. "I know it's tough, but she'll be back soon."

Lisa sighed heavily and glanced at her father.

"You know, I uh... I didn't think you'd approve of us," Lisa quietly said.

"What are you talkin' about?"

"Me and Jennie. I didn't think you'd like the idea of us dating."

Sung Wang shrugged. "You love her, right?"


"Then it doesn't matter what I think."

"Yea it does. You're my Pop. I always care what you think."

A proud smile graced Sung Wang's lips. "Jennie's a good kid. I like her. Plus, she straightened you out," Sung Wang said, bumping Lisa's shoulder with his own.

Lisa chuckled lightly. "Yeah, she did. She changed me."

"Love's a bitch kid."

Lisa grinned at Sung Wang's bluntness.

"Look, I know you miss her, but try to have a good time tonight. At least for your mother. This is her favorite time of the year so no bein' a bum."

"I'll try," Lisa smirked.

The backdoor suddenly burst open and Uhm was standing there. "There you two are! Let's get a move on! We've gotta beat the crowds!"

Sung Wang and Lisa stood from the steps and headed towards the door. "You can't beat the crowds, Ang. They're gonna be there no matter what we do."

Uhm scowled. "Yeah , yeah, well... Frankie and Bambam are waiting in the car."

"A couple minutes ain't gonna kill 'em."

"It's cold out and the heater isn't on!" Uhm argued back.

"Then you start up the car, Uhm! Problem solved!"

"You have the keys!"

Lisa smiled softly and shook her head. The holiday bickering between her parents never failed to make an appearance.

Happy couples and cheerful families flooded Greenway park as they explored the sights and sounds of Winter Lights. The park was alive with activity as the Manobans strolled around the grounds together. They had been there a good half hour before they eventually wanted to split up. Jackson and Bambam decided to go checkout the curling competitions, Uhm was fascinated by luminaria-making, and Sung Wang parked himself on a bench and stated, "You know where to find me."

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