Chapter 16

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Lisa had no idea where they were headed. It was just them, the night, and the streets of Boston. For a while they just drove in silence, both still in shock over what had just happened. Jennie could not believe she had acted on impulse like that. She never acted on impulse. Acting on impulse meant the outcome would be unknown and Jennie hated the unknown. She had disobeyed her mother and ran away from home. What would she do now? As all of these thoughts compiled in her brain, Jennie's breathing suddenly increased, her chest felt heavy, and her heartbeat sped up.

Lisa glanced at the brunette and noticed her strange behavior. Fuck. She had seen this once before. Another panic attack. Lisa pulled to the side of the road and turned to Jennie. She grasped Jennie's hand with her left while the other rubbed comforting circles on the brunette's back. "Breathe. Just breathe, Jen," Lisa soothingly chanted. "Everything is gonna be alright."

After a good ten minutes, Lisa saw that the brunette was calming down and her breathing was back to normal. Thank God! "You okay?"

Jennie blew out a breath and nodded. "Yes. I'm okay now."

Lisa looked straight ahead out the windshield and then back at Jennie. Her thumb rubbed gently over the back of Jennie's hand. "Jennie... I don't know where to go," Lisa confessed.

The brunette thought for a moment. "I have an idea."

They soon arrived at a marina Lisa had never been to. The blonde parked in the nearby lot and looked at the sign. Boston's Yacht Paradise. Oh. No wonder she had never set foot here. This was rich folk's territory.

They climbed out of the car and headed towards the pier. It was semi-creepy outside since it was dark and only small spurts of light were provided, running down the length of the dock. The endless line of humongous yachts gently bobbing in the water could be heard.

Jennie grasped Lisa's hand as they began to walk down the pier.

"You have a yacht?" Lisa asked.

"Well, my family has a yacht. It was one of the pieces of property my mother won in the divorce. Lars takes us out on it during the summer."

"That's cool," Lisa nodded.

They soon stopped in front of a yacht that had to be one of the largest in the marina.

"Holy, shit. This is your boat?"

Jennie lightly smirked. "Language, Lisa. Yes, this is our yacht," the brunette replied as they climbed aboard. As soon as they were on board, Lisa's eyes began to curiously wander around.

"Do you want a tour?" Jennie asked, seeing Lisa's curiosity.

"Hell, yeah I want a tour."

Two words for the Kim's family yacht... RIDICULOUSLY SWEET. It was pretty much a luxury house on water. There was a full kitchen and dining area, a lounge area with a flat screen, two bedrooms and full baths. One room had twin beds, another with a queen and... oh, make that three bedrooms since the room they were currently walking into had a king-sized bed.

Jennie made a beeline for the bed and laid down. Despite Jennie trying to lighten the mood with a tour of the beautiful yacht, it was only a minor distraction.

"I'm exhausted," the brunette huffed.

Lisa joined her, sitting on the edge of the bed. The blonde was not sure what to do or how to judge Jennie's mood. Here they were, hiding out in a yacht in the middle of the night with no idea what they were going to do next. This had suddenly become awkward. The brunette looked at Lisa. The blonde was fidgeting with her hands. Jennie could sense Lisa's hesitation, but she was happy the blonde was with her. She was happy she was not alone. Loneliness... something she had grown so accustomed to over the years.

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