Chapter 23 (M)

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Lisa and Jennie were soon seated at the table with the rowdy Manoban bunch. They passed around the platters and bowls of plentiful food to each other while animatedly talking to one another. Jennie thought she would never get used to such a loud dinner table or people talking with their mouth full, but now it felt like the norm. It felt like home.

"It's so awesome that you were able to come back early, Jennie," Jackson commented.

"Yeah, thank God. Lisa was a big fat grumpy pants the whole time you were gone."

"Was not!" Lisa defended.

"Please, Lisa," Bambam shot back. "If anyone looked at you the wrong way you'd rip their throat out."

"I wasn't that bad."

"Yeah, you were," Jackson said.

Jennie stifled a laugh.

"Ah, come on!" Lisa threw her hands in the air. She felt herself becoming embarrassed, especially since they were saying all this stuff in front of Jennie. Lisa looked to her father for support. "Pop, back me up."

The older shrugged slightly and dabbed his mouth with a napkin before replying. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you were a grouch."

"See?!" Bambam triumphantly proclaimed.

Jennie giggled outwardly at the family's antics while Lisa pouted.

"Jennie..." Bambam crooned in a whiny voice. "I want Jennie..."

"Shut up!" Lisa shouted as her brothers laughed.

Jennie grasped Lisa's hand under the table to help calm the blonde. She knew Lisa did not like owning up to her vulnerability in front of her brothers. Lisa felt her anger coming down as Jennie's thumb stroked her knuckles.

"Stop teasing your sister," Uhm scolded the two boys. The older woman turned her attention to Jennie and smiled softly. "So, Jennie, tell us about Paris," she gushed. "I'm sure it's beautiful."

Jennie smiled. "Oh, it is. It's one of my favorite places in the world to travel."

Most of the dinner talk consisted of Uhm grilling Jennie for information about Paris and the brunette was happy to answer all of her questions. Lisa did not mind at all that Jennie was the focus of attention. She was just happy the brunette was home. She smiled at Jennie as the brunette stated random facts about restaurants and tourist spots in Paris while Uhm listened intently.

Eventually, the conversation changed and Jackson got a word in. "Hey, Lisa. What about the hockey game tomorrow? Now, Jennie can go."

Lisa's face lit up at the reminder and she turned to Jennie with a grin. "That's right. You're here now. Oh, you're going to that hockey game, smarty pants," Lisa lightly commanded.

Jennie let out a chuckle. "Okay," she nodded.

After dinner the family moved to the living room where they played a few games of scrabble. Although, they all loved Jennie, it was not much fun having a brainiac in their company during a board game. They were frustrated yet amazed by all of the words that the brunette was able to come up with. After a while Bambam and Jackson refrained from challenging Jennie's words to the dictionary. There was no point because her words could always be found, no matter how strange they seemed. Lisa would laugh her ass off whenever her brothers were proven wrong. They all knew Jennie was smart but Lisa was the only one that knew she could not tell a lie.

Lisa had just changed into her boxers and tank top for the night, waiting for the brunette to emerge from her connecting bathroom. She turned down the covers and flipped on the television. When she glanced at the restroom door it was open a crack. She heard the sink running for a few seconds and then turn off. Just to be nosy, Lisa padded over to the door and pushed it open. The brunette was in the middle of brushing her teeth when their eyes locked in the reflection of the mirror. Lisa then allowed her eyes to take in the brunette's night gown. It was a maroon silk, lace nightie that stopped mid-thigh. The brunette's ass was practically inviting her to grab it. Jennie raised a curious brow at her.

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