Chapter 19

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"Cannon ball!" Bambam loudly exclaimed before jumping into the warm pool.

Chanmi and Jennie shrank back as a splash of the water nearly hit them as they lounged on chairs nearby.

"Bambam!" Lisa scolded, standing by the edge of the pool.

The young boy emerged from under the water with a grin on his face. He pushed back the flattened dark hair from his forehead and looked up. He was met by a disapproving look on Lisa's face. "What?"

"I told you not to do that near Chanmi and Jennie!"

"I didn't even splash them!" He argued back.

"It was close enough. Go to the other side!"

"Okay, geez. Sorry, mom," he sighed, sarcastically, before quickly ducking underwater. He swam to the opposite end of the pool where Jackson and Mino were putting up the volleyball net.

"Oh, Lisa it's okay. He's only having fun," Jennie smiled.

Lisa glanced over at her girlfriend with a small scowl. "Still, he should show a little respect."

"Respect comes with maturity and at Bambam's age that is hard to find."

"Really?" Lisa question but it came off as a sarcastic statement.

Jennie didn't catch it as so.

"Why, yes. Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s..."

Lisa saw where this was going and slowly began to approach Jennie. An amused expression was on her face as she watched the brunette launch into lecture mode.

"The frontal lobes of the brain that control neural circuitry such as planning, working memory, and impulse control, are the last areas of the brain to mature. They may not be fully developed until halfway through..."

Lisa placed her hands on either side of the lounge chair and swiftly leaned over Jennie, cutting off the brunette's words with her lips. When she leaned back slightly, she smirked as Jennie was rendered speechless.

Jennie had literally lost her train of thought. Damn Lisa and those intoxicating lips. Lisa grinned, liking that she could throw off Jennie's concentration.

The brunette pouted slightly. "I hate when you do that."

Lisa chuckled lightly and kissed Jennie's forehead. "I'm just tryin' to help you relax that brain of yours." The brunette stood up straight and Jennie was again temporarily distracted by Lisa's abs which were openly rippling from the two pieces bathing suit she was wearing.

"Yeah, well..." Jennie forced her eyes up to meet Lisa's. "I can relax my brain all on my own thank you."

Lisa glanced at Chanmi with an incredulous expression. Chanmi grinned with a shrug of her shoulders. "You heard her Lisa."

The brunette turned back to her girlfriend. "Alright, smartypants. Let's see if you can go the rest of the night without rambling off the Webster's dictionary."

"Fine. I can do that."

"We'll see," Lisa smiled before turning and doing a perfect dive into the pool.

"You really think you can hold out?" Chanmi asked.

Jennie glanced at her with some uncertainty but she quickly masked it. "Of course I can. The odds are in my favor after all. I'm the one who controls what I say and when I say it."

Chanmi snickered lightly.

"What?" Jennie frowned.

"No offense, Jennie but you have a tendency to go off into a lecture at any given moment. I'll just be amazed if you can do it."

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