Chapter 26

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The sound of an ambulance blared in her ears. Pain... darkness.

Commotion; the voices of strangers came from all directions... bright lights passed overhead. More pain... darkness.

The sound of her mother's frantic voice; someone saying, "Stay with us."


Hearing the doorbell chime, Jennie rushed downstairs with a bright smile and opened the front door. Lisa stood on the other side with a grin on her face. "You ready, baby?"

"Yes," the brunette smiled happily.

Lisa eyed Jennie's outfit up and down as the brunette closed the front door behind her. She was wearing a low-cut blouse, dark-blue skinny jeans, and fashionable boots. "You look hot."

Jennie turned to her and smiled. "I know. I'm aware these are your favorite pair of jeans on me."

Lisa nodded in agreement. "They are," the blonde purred, wrapping her arms around Jennie's waist. She dipped her hands into the brunette's back pockets and pulled Jennie closer to the front of her body.

The brunette giggled at the action and looked into Lisa's eyes. "Uh-oh. I know that look."

Lisa grinned and leaned in closer. "So, maybe we should just go back inside and head up to your room," Lisa proposed.

"That does sound rather appealing..." Jennie began. Lisa nuzzled her nose against Jennie's neck, temporarily distracting her. "...but I was promised a surprise."

"Oh, that's right," Lisa said, pretending to remember. She leaned back and looked into Jennie's eyes. "I did promise, didn't I?"

"I believe so." She wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck and looked up at the blonde. Lisa was giving her that big smile that made her eyes almost shut and absolutely melted Jennie's heart. That was her smile; the smile Lisa only had for her.

"I love you, Jen."

"I love you too, Lisa," Jennie replied. Only these words were not being spoken to Lisa. They were only empty words that escaped Jennie's lips as she awoke from sleep. The brunette blinked her eyes open, remembering where she was; the hospital lobby. Lisa. It had been a dream. Her girlfriend had never made it to her house to pick her up. She never found out what Lisa had planned for them. Lisa never showed up because she was shot. The thought instantly made Jennie's heart sink into despair once more. Lisa was shot. Among her troubling thoughts, Jennie smelled her mother's perfume and realized she was using Chae-rin's shoulder as a pillow. The brunette had exhausted herself with crying and had fallen asleep. Jennie slowly raised her head.

"Darling, are you, alright?" Chae-rin softly asked.

"Any news? Has the doctor come back?" Jennie tiredly asked.

"No, dear. They are still in surgery."

Jennie looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 1:23am. Lisa had been in surgery for over two hours now.

The brunette looked across the nearly barren hospital lobby and saw Sung Wang. pacing anxiously while Uhm sat with Bambam and Jackson. The two boys were sitting on either side of her, resting their heads on her shoulders. Bambam seemed to be asleep but Jackson was still awake, his eyes red rimmed from crying. To the left a few chairs down, Mino and Chanmi sat silently, holding hands. Jennie could see the old streaks from tears running down the young man's cheeks.

A gunshot to the abdomen; that was all they knew. The brunette could only imagine what injuries Lisa had sustained and all the different scenarios that were running through her mind were making her mad with worry. She wanted to see Lisa. She desperately wanted to see her.

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