Chapter 8

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It was now the beginning of the second week of the 'friendship arrangement' and Lisa had yet to pour on the Manoban charm. She and the brunette still bickered and Jennie would continue to send her flirty suggestions that Lisa knew would result to nothing.

It was early morning, and herds of teens filled the high school courtyard. Lisa and Mino were standing near the stairs by the cafeteria. This had always been their early morning hangout spot before class since they were sophomores.

"So, it's been a week now. Have you figured out a plan yet?" Mino asked.

"A plan?"

"For Jennie."

Lisa sighed heavily adjusting the weight of her backpack on her shoulders.

"I haven't seen any change yet," Mino continued. "And you two are still at each other's throats. So you have a plan?"

"No, not really..." Lisa mumbled. "Why can't I just continue to be a jerk to her? That makes me more comfortable."

"Lisa, come on. Do you like the girl or not?"

The blonde sheepishly lowered her eyes and lightly kicked a pebble that was on the ground. "I already told you I do."

"Well, it's time to put your big girl pants on." He looked over Lisa's shoulder and smiled lightly. "And now's the time because she's heading this way."

Lisa perked up and looked across the courtyard. Amongst the throng of students, the blonde immediately spotted Jennie. Lisa's heart fluttered when she saw the vision in a fashionable dress with matching heels heading towards them. The sunlight was reflecting off Jennie's hair in just the right way, making it appear as she was an angel. Why did she have to be so beautiful?

Lisa finally shook out of her trance and looked at her friend. "Mino, how does she know where to find us?"

"I told her," he simply shrugged.

"You what?" Lisa asked, grabbing the collar of his shirt.

Mino held his hands out to the sides in surrender. "Chill, Lisa. I thought you'd be cool with it." He looked down at the hand gripping his shirt. "And you're supposed to be working on playing nice, remember?"

Lisa looked down at her own hand and frowned before releasing Mino's shirt. Jennie had not seemed to notice the action and approached them with a bright smile on her face. "Good morning, Mino... Lisa."

"Good morning," Mino replied. He looked at Lisa who was just silently staring at Jennie. He bumped her in the arm.

"Hey..." Lisa finally said.

An awkward silence fell between them. Lisa had no idea what to say and she was sure Mino was waiting on her to initiate a chat. Jennie on the other hand was just at a loss for words as Lisa and stood there, feeling the uncomfortable tension build between all three of them... until Mino finally spoke. Thank God.

"Hey, Jennie? Are you any good at Math?"

Jennie quirked her head to the side in a manner that Lisa thought was cute. "It's not my favorite subject but yes. I'm quite the mathematician at times."

"That's good to hear, because Lisa was just telling me that she needed some help for a test that's coming up tomorrow."

"I was?" Lisa asked, frowning.

Mino cleared his throat loudly and eyed Lisa, hoping she'd catch on. A light bulb suddenly went off in Lisa's brain and she realized what Mino was doing. "Uh... oh, yea, yea, I was."

Jennie gave Lisa a curious look. "Really..."


Jennie studied Lisa for a moment, pinched her lips together as if marinating the idea in her mind. "Does that mean you are you asking for my help?"

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