Chapter 7

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The three teenagers walked into the mildly busy ice cream parlor and took a seat at an empty booth. Jennie and Mino sat side by side, while Lisa sat across from them. Mino's eyes immediately looked over Lisa's shoulder towards the front counter. Jennie followed his line of sight and saw he was staring at an attractive girl that looked to be their age helping a customer. She had a bright smile and a warm presence. Jennie could even tell that just from observing her from across the room.

Lisa smirked at Mino as he longingly looked at the girl behind the counter. "So, are you going?"

Mino tore his eyes away from his dream girl and blew out a breath. "I... I need a minute."

"Times a wastin' Minoy boy," Lisa egged on.

Jennie looked at Mino and noticed the young man was fidgeting with his hands and taking large breaths through his nose. He was trying to calm himself. "You shouldn't pressure him, Lisa," the brunette lightly scolded.

"I'm not," Lisa shrugged, her voice going up an octave.

"No, it's cool, Jennie. I said I'd do this today and I will," Mino said.

Jennie glanced towards the girl once more and smiled softly, before turning back to Mino. "She's pretty. What's here name?"

"Chanmi," Mino replied with a goofy grin. "I met her a couple months ago."

"And he's been drooling over her ever since." Lisa looked behind her towards the counter before turning back. "Here's your chance. She's not helping a customer. Go for it."

"I... I can't," Mino stuttered.


"Sure you can." Suddenly, an idea came to Jennie. "How about we all go up there together and order something? Would that make you feel a little more comfortable?"

Mino gave a nod. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"Lisa?" Jennie asked.

"Alright..." Lisa relented, sliding out of the booth.

They walked up to the counter, Mino stood in the middle while Lisa and Jennie stood on either side of him. Almost instantly, they were greeted by a dazzling smile. "Hello, Lisa. Hi Mino." The girl said with a little friendly flirt.

"What's up, Chanmi?" Mino replied with a relaxed smile. Even though Jennie knew he was covering how terrified he truly was.

Chanmi grinned at him before, turning her attention to Jennie. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met."

"No, we haven't. I'm Jennie."

"Oh..." Chanmi's smile seemed to falter slightly as she looked between Jennie and Mino. "It's nice to meet you."

Jennie could tell that Chanmi was assuming that she was possibly dating Mino. "I'm a friend of Mino's. Only a friend," she reiterated with a grin. "Actually, we only just met four hours ago."

"Way to be settle," Lisa mumbled.

However, Jennie's words seemed to please Chanmi and her smile returned with full force. "Great! So, can I get you all something?"

"Yeah, I'll just have the chocolate and vanilla swirl," Lisa said.

"A small strawberry yogurt, please," Jennie smiled.

Chanmi turned to Mino and smiled. "I know, Mino. Rocky road, right?"

Mino grinned from ear to ear and nodded. "You remembered."

She winked at him and said she would return soon with their orders. Lisa softly bumped Mino in the arm. "You're so in there, Mino. She likes you."

"I don't know..." he shrugged unsure.

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