Chapter 21

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Monday afternoon, Chae-rin returned from her art show that was held in New York. After having a pleasant dinner with Jennie, the two of them sat in the sun room to chat. Lars had prepared a tea set for them.

"So, enough about me, Jennie," Chae-rin said. "How was your weekend with your friends?"

"It was perfect," Jennie grinned. "We all had lunch together and played volleyball in the pool. It was so... nice just having friends over."

Chae-rin smiled fondly at her daughter. She was so happy that Jennie had found true companions her own age. "That's wonderful, darling. I'm glad you had a good time. And Lisa spent the night, yes?"

Jennie nearly spit out the tea she had just sipped from her cup. "Uh, what?"

"I'm asking if Lisa spent the night. It's a simple question," Chae-rin smiled lightly.

"Uh..." Jennie scratched lightly at her chest. Oh, God. The hives were already forming and she was only contemplating a lie. Chae-rin eyed her carefully and Jennie could already tell her mother knew something was up. "Y...yes, we had a sleepover."

"Well, what did you do?"

The brunette's memories of Saturday evening flashed in her head. Lisa. The touching. The moaning. The cumming. Jennie shook her head slightly. How was she going to get out of this one? "We um... baked chocolate chip cookies from scratch," she quickly managed to say.

"Really? How did that turn out?"

Jennie sheepishly smiled, happy to talk about the subject of baking. "Not too well I'm afraid. We ended up burning them by accident."

"Oh, my."

Jennie smiled at the memory of Lisa waving at the smoke detector and was soon telling the story. She made sure to skate around the fact that they were making out and forgot to set the timer.

"What a little adventure that turned out to be," Chae-rin chuckled lightly.

"Yes. So, we had ice cream instead. Then we watched an action film that was quite bloody and then..." Jennie hesitated. We had sex.

Chae-rin raised an eyebrow.

"We... went to bed," Jennie safely said. She didn't have to say what they did in bed.

"Uh-huh," Chae-rin said, before sipping her tea.

Jennie frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

A small smile played on the older woman's face and she set her cup down in its coaster on the table. "Nothing, dear. You went to bed."

Jennie continued to stare at her mother and Chae-rin raised an eyebrow at her.

"Unless there was something more you wanted to tell me..."

"No!" Jennie practically shouted.

Chae-rin looked at her with surprise.

"I mean, no. There is nothing else I wanted to tell you," Jennie replied sheepishly.

Chae-rin gave her daughter a small smile before nodding. "Well, there is one more matter left for us to discuss." Chae-rin took a breath and poured herself another cup of tea. "It's about winter break, Jennie. I'm afraid there has been a change of plans."

Jennie looked up and saw a regrettable expression on Chae-rin's face. This was not going to be good news.

The snow had fallen. Lakes were frozen over. Kids were having snowball fights and sledding down snow covered hills. Winter break had officially begun and it was the first Saturday after school had been out. Lisa, Mino, her brothers, and a few other kids from the neighborhood were playing a game of ice hockey out on the lake. They had been waiting all year to be able to play and now they had their chance. They had been out there for nearly two hours now, but they could care less. It was fun! They were all bundled up in their jackets, gloves, and beanies. Lisa was sporting her black and yellow Bruins jersey, with a black beanie, dark jeans, and gloves.

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