Chapter 4

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Jennie and Lisa sat in the Manobans' den with the television on, waiting for Uhm to return with an icepack for Lisa. Jennie silently observed Lisa. The blonde was slouching back against the couch cushions, pointing the remote at the television, clicking away. The brunette looked towards the TV and noticed that each channel was only up for a millisecond.

"Do you ordinarily take this long to select a program?" Jennie asked.

"Yep. It's called channel surfing."

Jennie watched in growing agitation as Lisa continued to fly through each channel. "You're clicking through the channels way too fast. How can you even tell what you're seeing?"

"Hey, how about you not worry about it?"

"How about you pick a station?" Jennie retorted.

Lisa was about to say something back, but her mother walked in. "Here you go baby," she said, handing Lisa the icepack.

Jennie smiled in amusement at the term of endearment. The blonde looked her way and Jennie mouthed, 'baby' in a teasing matter. Lisa rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Ma."

"What exactly happened out there?" Uhm asked.

"Nothing, Ma. It's no big deal." The blonde winced as she placed the ice on her nose.

Uhm looked to the brunette for an answer. "Jennie?"

Jennie glanced at Lisa and then back to Uhm. "Oh, um. I'm afraid Lisa was hit in the face by the football. It caused a miner fracture but I popped her nose back into place, no problem."

"What?!" Uhm shrieked worriedly.

Lisa grimaced at Jennie. "Thanks for the explanation, doc," she growled lowly.

Jennie smiled and nodded her head.

Uhm was now rubbing Lisa's back in a comforting matter. "Relax ma, I'm fine..." Lisa mumbled behind the icepack.

"I still don't understand why you play so roughly with the boys. You should be spending more time with girls, like Jennie. She will be a good influence on you."

"Oh, God..." Lisa groaned.

"Then maybe you wouldn't get into any more fights or get suspended," Uhm continued. "Jennie's a good girl. I can tell."

Jennie grinned. She knew this was killing Lisa. "Thank you, Mrs. Manoban."

Uhm refrained from rubbing her daughter and stepped back. "Lisa, you keep ice on that. I'll fix you some lunch. Jennie would you like anything?"

"Oh, no thank you."

"Okay," Uhm replied with a smile, before walking out of the room.

"Humph. Your mother thinks I'm a good influence on you," Jennie noted.

"Bite me."

"Bite you?" Jennie repeated, with confusion.

"Ugh, never mind..." Lisa grumbled.

"Now, Lisa. I don't think that's how friends speak to one another."

The blonde removed the icepack from her face and looked at Jennie, frowning curiously. "I thought you had plans today."

Jennie's cheeky demeanor faded slightly, as did the smile on her face. She lowered her eyes for a moment as thoughts of her mother cancelling their plans came to mind. "I... I did but, my plans were suddenly changed."

She hesitantly met Lisa's eyes and the blonde was seemed to be studying her. Lisa's face appeared to express a bit of regret. As though she had realized she may have miss-stepped in asking Jennie about her plans.

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