Chapter 14

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Since Lisa and Jennie were by no means ready to part ways, Jennie invited the blonde to stay for a late lunch. Neither one of them had eaten that much all day due to the stress of worrying about the future of their relationship. It was a nice day outside so they both agreed to have a picnic. Jennie chose a spot for them among the large expansion of grass in the backyard of the Kim mansion. They lay side by side on a picnic blanket, looking up at the clouds in the sky. It was so peaceful outside and they were content in just being together. They engaged in a chat as they waited for Lars to bring their lunch to them. Jennie had her legs crossed at the ankles, with her hands intertwined in her lap, while Lisa had one hand resting under her head.

"How do you think your family will react to us dating?" Jennie asked.

"I... I'm not sure. I guess they'd be okay with it. I know Jackson and Bambam would be because they were already suspecting it. My mom knows I've had a crush on you for a while. But my Dad, I don't know. I guess he'd be okay. What about your parents?"

"I barely speak to my father, but my mother would more than likely not approve. She's even tried to convince me to end my friendship with you."

Lisa raised her eyebrows at the new information. "Wow, and you kept seeing me anyway?"

Jennie nodded. "I did. My mother has no right to tell me whom I should and should not socialize with."

"Look at you," Lisa said, impressed. "Bad-ass Jennie Kim, not listening to mama bear. I guess I am a bad influence on you."

"Perhaps," Jennie smiled, playing along. The brunette's grin faltered slightly as she thought of her mother's opinion of Lisa. "It's just that, I had grown to like you very much, Lisa. The thought of not being around you made me extremely defiant of my mother."

Lisa turned to the brunette and smiled softly, knowing she would feel the same if her parents tried to keep her away from Jennie. She felt butterflies of flattery flutter inside of her and she leaned over kissing the brunette on the cheek. Jennie instantly smiled at the action and turned to Lisa. Their faces were inches apart as they looked into each other's eyes. Lisa thought Jennie looked so beautiful in this moment. Her brown eyes were sparkling and her hair was glowing under the soft rays of the sun.

Jennie saw the way Lisa was looking at her and it made her heart skip a beat. Oh, what those deep brown eyes did to her. She leaned in and closed the gap between them, placing a soft, innocent peck on the Lisa's lips. Lisa smiled softly before leaning in for a second kiss, only this time let it linger. She felt her body shiver with excitement as Jennie kissed her back. Within seconds, they both felt that flame between them ignite and the kiss became more passionate. Keeping their lips locked, Lisa leaned up on one elbow and was now over the brunette. Only the top half of her body ghosted over Jennie's. Even though her hand was itching to grasp one of Jennie's firm breasts, Lisa didn't want to rush things. Jennie too was fighting her own urges. She felt compelled to dig her hair into Lisa's thick hair, but was also unsure. It was funny how they had suddenly become so shy about touching when they finally had the freedom to do so. Lisa broke the kiss for a moment and gazed down at the girl below her.

Jennie's face was slightly flushed as she stared back into Lisa's eyes. She smiled softly. "It's becoming extremely difficult to stop myself from kissing you."

Lisa smirked. "How do you think I feel? I've waited two years to do this."

Jennie grinned before leaning up and capturing Lisa's lips once more.

"Mmm," Lisa hummed in satisfaction as she followed Jennie back down on the blanket. Her lower regions clenched with arousal as the kiss became a bit more aggressive. Jennie lost herself in the kiss and cupped Lisa's face with both hands, not caring about respectable touches at the moment. Lisa's tongue asked for entrance and the brunette purred with anticipation. Just as she was about to grant the blonde consent, the sound of someone clearing their throat and broke their spell.

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