Chapter 15

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After Lisa and Jennie's unofficial coming out party to the Manoban clan, the two felt it would be safer for them if they stuck with their initial plan of not hanging out before their date. Things seemed to unexpectedly escalate in their last hot and heavy make out session and as of late, the two of them being alone near a couch or a bed would likely get them in trouble. Temptation was a bitch. One positive that came out of all this was how Lisa's family took their new relationship. The Manobans loved Jennie and did not have any objections to them being romantically involved. This was a relief to both of them but Jennie knew she still had her own challenge to deal with... her mother. They had not spoken since Jennie's outburst and Chae-rin was currently out of town... again.

Friday had finally arrived and both girls had been thinking about their impending date all day. It was after school and Lisa and Jennie were on their way to the usual spot where Lars parked to pick up the brunette.

"I'm excited about our date tonight," Jennie grinned.

Lisa could only muster a small smile as she felt Jennie squeeze her hand. The blonde was a nervous wreck about their date. So many doubts and worries about not being good enough were suddenly popping in her head. Jennie noticed Lisa's troubled expression. She pulled lightly on the blonde's arm and brought their walking to a halt.

"What's wrong, Lisa?"

"Nothing, I just... I guess I'm just nervous about tonight."

"You don't have to be," Jennie sincerely answered. "It's just us."

"I know but..." That's why I'm nervous... "Um, hey, do you like seafood?"

"I love seafood." Jennie replied, surprised by the change of subject.

"Good," Lisa nervously breathed with relief. "So you know Le... Bew Truc?" Lisa tried to pronounce.

"Le Beau Truc?" Jennie corrected with a hint of interest. "Of course, it's a brilliant 5-star French restaurant."

"Cool. That's where we're going," Lisa smiled.

"But Lisa, that's so..." She wanted to say expensive but she veered away from it. "You were able to book a reservation in such a short period of time?"

"Reservations?" Lisa closed her eyes at her own stupidity and shook her head. Making a reservation had never occurred to her. But then again, since when has a Manoban ever reserved a time and place to eat? Um, never. Especially, not for some swanky, upper-class restaurant. "Fuck..." Lisa exasperated. "I didn't even think of that."

Jennie placed a reassuring hand on Lisa's arm. "It's fine. We don't have to go there, Lisa. Was that your first choice of our date location?"

"Well, no..." Lisa pouted. "I just started thinking and... I wanted to take you some place I thought you'd feel comfortable. A classy restaurant with the best food and stuff you're used to." The blonde shrugged. "I don't wanna disappoint you."

Jennie looked upon Lisa sincerely and moved her hand down the blonde's arm to hold Lisa's hand. "Come here." Jennie pulled Lisa on the side of the school grounds that were pretty much deserted during this time of the day.

Lisa lazily leaned her back against the building and stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets. Jennie stood in front of her, looking into her eyes. "Listen to me, Lisa. I don't need anything special. I just want to be with you and that's never a disappointment no matter what we do."

Lisa cracked a small smile at Jennie's words. The brunette found Lisa's expression adorable and she grinned. Jennie stepped closer to Lisa and cupped her face with both hands. "Plus, a place like that isn't you and I don't want you to change anything about you just for my benefit. I just want to spend time with you. I don't care where we go."

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