Chapter 9

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Dressed in slightly baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt, Jennie finally emerged from the bathroom. Lisa looked up from her cell phone and saw the brunette standing in the doorway.

"...Hey," Lisa spoke first.


Both of them stood awkwardly in the room together, neither able to really look each other in the eye. What had happened between them after Lisa had unzipped her dress was... intoxicating. There was definitely something between them in that moment. A want... a pull... an overwhelming attraction. But Jennie had fought it, because a part of her will never forget why she was taking part in this 'friendship' arrangement in the first place.

"I... um..." Lisa held out a plastic grocery bag towards Jennie. "You can put your wet clothes in here if you want. I also have some socks for you on the bed. They're brand new. I've never worn them," Lisa nervously sputtered everything at once.

Though the tension between them was still heavily present, Jennie smiled lightly, thinking Lisa's uneasiness was cute. Oh, God... she thought it was cute. Jennie shook her head and walked towards Lisa with her wet dress and heels in hand.

"Thank you," she said, taking the offered bag. She then walked over to the bed and placed the items inside. She then sat down and began to put on the white socks Lisa left for her.

Lisa silently watched Jennie and could not help but feel a small thrill. The brunette was wearing her clothes. Jennie looked adorable in her Red Sox t-shirt and sweatpants. Seeing the brunette this way made Jennie seem more down to earth and possibly from Lisa's middle class world. It was a comforting thought.

"I thought those pants would fit. They're too small for me," Lisa commented.

"Yes, they fit fine. Thank you."

Lisa ran a hand through her hair. "Look, Jennie. It's cool with me if you want to go home. You know, with the sink attacking you and everything. I'll understand."

Jennie stood to her feet and raised an eyebrow at Lisa. She noticed the blonde seemed a bit self-conscious about the situation. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" Jennie said in almost a playful tone.

"No, I just... I figured..."

"Do you still want my help?"

Lisa lightly bit her lower lip and nodded. "Yeah, I do." But truthfully it was more like... 'Yeah, I want you to stay longer so I can be around you longer.'

"Then I will stay and help you, Lisa."

The blonde could not help but smile softly at Jennie's generosity, despite the water incident. "Okay, cool. Let's go downstairs," Lisa said, leading them out of the bedroom.

As they reached the top of the stairs, the front door opened to reveal Uhm holding a few groceries.

"Hey, Ma," Lisa said as she and Jennie descended the stairs.

"Hey, Lisa" she looked up and noticed Lisa wasn't alone. "And Jennie, it's so good to..." and then she stopped mid-sentence, looking at them suspiciously. "Lisa, why is Jennie wearing your clothes? And why is your hair wet? What is going on?" she demanded.

Jennie could not help but bite her lip guilty as she saw Mrs. Manoban seem to get upset.

"Relax, ma. I had to give Jennie some dry clothes because the sink in the downstairs bathroom exploded. Water got all over us."

"What?!" Uhm squealed. She placed the grocery bags on the floor before heading towards the bathroom.

Lisa and Jennie exchanged glances. An amused look came across Lisa's face and she held up a finger. "Wait for it," Lisa whispered.

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