Chapter 18

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Lisa's eyes slowly opened to the sight of her bedroom ceiling and a warm sensation on her stomach. Actually, the entire right side of her body felt warm. Lisa stirred and mumbled incoherently. That's when she heard a giggle. Jennie's giggle. She shifted her eyes to the right and saw the most gorgeous girl in the world staring back at her.

Jennie was leaning up on her elbow, looking down at Lisa. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Hey, good morning," Lisa replied in a deep raspy voice.

Jennie smiled softly. She was beginning to realize that she liked Lisa's morning voice. They looked into each other's eyes and both felt a shyness come over them as images of what transpired last night popped into their heads.

"Um... hi," Jennie bashfully said.

Lisa grinned at the blush that formed on Jennie's face. "Hi."

The brunette placed a hand behind Lisa's neck and gently pulled her down for a kiss. One kiss turned into two and it soon deepened. Jennie felt the stirrings of her arousal start as Lisa's tongue slipped into her mouth. They kissed for a few moments.

"Mmm," Lisa purred as they broke the lip lock. "I can get used to waking up like this."

"Me too."

Lisa quirked an eyebrow when she noticed the warmth on her stomach had been Jennie's hand. The brunette was currently rubbing gentle circles on Lisa's skin, under her shirt. Lisa looked down at Jennie's hand and then back up into mischievous brown eyes.

"This seems familiar," Lisa smirked at her.

Jennie giggled softly. "Yes, it does. Only this time, I'm the one with my hand up your shirt."

Lisa grinned. "That you do."

Jennie slowly pushed Lisa's shirt further up her body exposing her stomach. "Hmm," she hummed with curiosity.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked with an amused smile on her face.

"Just looking." Jennie's eyes raked over Lisa's abs and she raised an impressed eyebrow. "Wow... you have very well-defined abdominals."

"Thank you."

Jennie ran her hands over Lisa's stomach and the brunette's breath caught. "I've wanted to run my hands over these for quite some time now."

Lisa gasped at the touch and then gave a cocky smile. "Yeah?"

Jennie nodded, looking into Lisa's dark eyes. She loved how strong and well-defined her stomach muscles were and she found it was a major turn on for her. "I've wanted to do this too." Jennie leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Lisa's stomach.

Lisa closed her eyes at the feel of Jennie's soft lips on her skin and trembled slightly. God, this girl was going to kill her.

"You have an amazing rectus abdominis, Lisa," Jennie husked before placing another kiss on Lisa's abs.

Jennie pushed Lisa's shirt up higher before placing a kiss on each of Lisa's upper abs. She then moved down a row and kissed the next two sets of muscles. The brunette's mouth hung open slightly as she looked down and watched Jennie's head move further down her stomach. Warm kisses were being left on practically every inch of her stomach. Lisa moaned lightly at the sensual feel of Jennie's lips.

"God, Jennie... you're driving me crazy," Lisa whimpered.

Jennie looked up and grinned wickedly. "Good." Jennie moved even lower and slightly pulled down Lisa's boxers. The brunette lifted her hips slightly as the brunette's lips found purchase on the newly exposed skin. She felt herself become wet as she saw how close Jennie was to her...

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