Chapter 6

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Wearing a fresh pair of jeans and a t-shirt, with slightly wet hair, Jennie finally emerged from the bathroom. The first thing she saw upon entering the room was Lisa sitting up in the bed, rubbing the heels of her hands against her eyes. From the looks of it, the blonde was just waking up, but Jennie was not completely convinced. No one could touch... or caress someone like that while they were sleeping. Could they? Jennie remained by the open doorway of the bathroom and cleared her throat making her presence known. Lisa looked over at her with sleepy eyes.

"I thought I heard the shower," Lisa yawned, noticing Jennie damp hair.

"Yeah, I just got out," the brunette shakily replied.

Lisa raised her arms in the air and with a groan, stretching out her back. The brunette's eyes lingered over Lisa's upper body and felt her heart skip a beat as she thought of 'shirtless Lisa' from last night and perfectly sculpted abs. She averted her gaze and bit her lower lip. She could barely look at Lisa, remembering what had transpired about forty minutes ago. "Um, Lisa? How... how long have you been awake?"

Lisa lowered her arms and looked over at Jennie, eyes half open and hair a wild mess. "I literally just woke up," she replied in a voice, raspier than usual. Jennie gave Lisa a disbelieving and unsure look. Lisa raised a questioning eyebrow in response. "Why?"

Jennie felt her cheeks turning red as she remembered the feel of Lisa's hand running up and down her body. Was Lisa actually sleeping through all that? She studied Lisa's expression and the blonde looked at her, totally clueless.

"Uh, um. No reason," Jennie feigned a smile and shook her head. She walked towards the door. "I think I heard your mother downstairs preparing breakfast. I think I'll go help."

Before Lisa could say another word to her she was out of the room within seconds. Jennie stepped down the stairs and she noticed the house was eerily quiet. It was very unusual compared to the ruckus the Manoban family created in the later hours of the day. As she walked towards the kitchen she heard someone moving about. She opened the door and as she suspected, Uhm was indeed preparing breakfast. The older woman looked up and smiled brightly.

"Jennie! Good morning."

"Good morning, Mrs. Manoban," Jennie smiled, walking into the kitchen. She leaned her hands on the counter, standing by the island opposite from Uhm.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Uh..." Jennie's thoughts went to the incident with Lisa momentarily before she answered. She quickly discarded it from her mind. "Yes, of course. I slept wonderfully."

"Oh, good. I was worried if Lisa's bed was too lumpy."

"It was fine."

"What are you doing up?"

"Well, I tend to wake up early naturally, so I thought I'd help you with breakfast. If you don't mind?"

"Why would I mind? It would be nice to have help for a change. I've been a mother for seventeen years and none of my children had ever offered to help me cook."


Uhm shook her head. "Never. The boys want nothing to do with it. I've tried to show Lisa a thing or two, but she won't have it. She'd rather get her hands dirty, helping her father with plumbing jobs."

Jennie nodded in understanding. Lisa did not seem like the domestic type.

"Do you help your mother cook?"

"Oh, well. Not exactly. Sometimes I enjoy watching our cook, Philip, put together dishes. I've always wanted to help but I was never allowed."

"Wow, you have a cook?" Jennie gave a simple nod. "That's fancy. Well, in the Manoban house, help is more than welcome. Come on over."

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