Chapter 27 (M) (Epilogue)

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Epilogue - 5 years later

After completing four years of medical school at Boston Cambridge University, she was now in her first year of graduate school at Harvard. As a part-time job she worked at a hospital and was loving every second of it. Jennie sat at her desk in her bedroom, typing away on her laptop as she finished up her final research paper of the week. From the front of the apartment she suddenly heard the front door open. A muttered curse and exhausted sigh followed and Jennie knew her girlfriend had come home.


"I'm in the bedroom!"

Lisa and Jennie had been living together in their quaint 2 bedroom apartment for the past two years and their relationship was stronger than ever. After Lisa's recovery, the blonde was allowed to take her final exams during the summer. She was unable to walk at graduation with the rest of her class, but still passed her tests with flying colors. Jennie was with her every step of the way. Within a year's time, Lisa went to the Boston Police Academy. Now she was a second year rookie beat cop in the Boston Police Department. She still had a lot to prove and a lot to learn, but was determined to get that detective's badge some time in the future.

Lisa soon appeared in the doorway of their bedroom and leaned against the frame. She was wearing her blue police uniform with her hair pinned up and held her police cap in one hand. Jennie swiveled in her chair and smiled. She still could not get over how hot Lisa looked in her work clothes. "Hi, baby. How did today go?"

"Alright," Lisa replied, pushing off the door frame and walking further into the room. She tossed her hat on the dresser before leaning down, placing a quick hello kiss on Jennie's lips. "I'm just exhausted." The 23-year-old made a beeline for the bed and laid out her back with a groan. Jennie looked at her with an amused smile on her lips. After a moment, Lisa turned her head to look at Jennie. "What are you working on?"

"My research paper on Chromobacterium violaceum."

"On what?" Lisa frowned.

"It's a flesh-eating bacteria. It crawls inside your ear or your nose and it starts eating you-"

"Okay! I got it!" Lisa proclaimed, waving her hands to block out the images entering her head. "Say no more."

Jennie smirked at her girlfriend, knowing she wasn't in the mood to hear all the medical jargon. "Anything happen today?"

"Uh... let's see. Stopped some kids from tagging a building, answered a robbery call at a gas station... after the robbery happened, and oh, helped an old lady with directions to a CVS. Real serious police work."

Jennie sympathetically smiled at her girlfriend. "You'll get there, Lisa. It'll just take time."

"I guess," the blonde mumbled. "One thing I'm not is a brass kisser. There are a lot of those in the department."

"Brass kisser?" Jennie questioned.

"You know. A brown noser. Someone who wants to move up in the police ranks by kissing the higher ups' asses. That's just not me. I like to earn my keep."

"And you will." Jennie stood from the desk and went over to the bed. She lifted her skirt slightly and carefully straddling Lisa's hips. When the blonde looked up at her, Jennie saw a flash of sadness in Lisa's eyes, but the blonde quickly masked it. That did not fool Jennie.

"Come here," Jennie said, pulling at Lisa's arm, so the blonde would sit up.

"I'm tired," Lisa grumbled, but complied.

Jennie smiled softly. "I know." Once Lisa was eye level with her, Jennie cupped the blonde's face and looked deeply into dark brown eyes. "Lisa, you're smarter, braver, and more resilient than any of those cops on the force. I know your superiors will see that. I see it every day. You're a harder worker, Lisa and I have never seen you fail in anything you fight for. You'll get there."

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