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The sky is shining bright tonight. Millions of stars littered across the darkness above.

Laying underneath the stars with my best friend Mason would be perfect if it weren't for my parents.

My dad's constant screaming echoes from the kitchen out to the back yard.

All my dad does is scream. It's been that way for the past 3 years.

My father gets shit faced drunk every night after work. Some nights, he shows up with a slight buzz from day drinking on the job.

In his blinding, dilated drunken eyes he sees my mom as nothing more than a useless being. He always degrades her and reminds her each moment he can how much of a miserable mistake she was.

Mom doesn't put up much of a fight. With wine flowing through her veins, she could hardly careless.

She used to argue back, but suddenly she started drinking too. Her screams turned into laughter and I just don't think she cares anymore.

I used to spend nights like these with my older brother, Andrew. We'd hang out in his room on old worn out bean bags listening to music, or watching comedies. Anything to drown out the noise from our raging parents.

But, all good things must come to an end. The week Andrew turned 18, him and his girlfriend Lola moved and got a place on the other side of town. He begged me to move in with them, but I couldn't. I'm scared of what might happen if I leave the two of them alone.

I'm not completely alone though. Mason is here almost every night, he hangs out with me as long as possible.

"I think this is a record breaker for him." Mason breaks the silence between us. "Worst I've ever heard."

I nod in agreement, as I hear my mom start laughing. I turn my head slightly to look at him. " I'm surprised no one has ever called the cops on them."

"It's been happening so long, they've probably just grown used to it." He points out, and he has to be right. I feel bad for everyone around us.

Mason sits up and I hear him sigh softly. "What?" I asked as I sat up beside him.

"I just wish your mom would leave him. I don't understand why she wants to stick around when this is all he does. Not only that, but you're stuck in the middle of it." Mason's light blue eyes stare into my hazel ones.

"I just wish you'd come stay at my place or your brothers every once in awhile. I could sneak you -" Mason is cut off when a loud crash is heard from the kitchen and another fit of laughter is heard.

We look in that direction and through the sliding glass doors we see the kitchen table lying on its side.

"Your dad is only getting worse and worse."

I turn back around and pull my knees to my chest and rest my head against them. Mason scoots closer, wraps his arms around me, and pulls me into him. "I'm sorry, Arden."

I pull away and shake my head. "It's fine. I'm used to this."

"This isn't something you should have to get used to, Arden. This," he waves around us "isn't healthy and you know it."

Irritated with this whole situation I jump to my feet and head over to my open bedroom window. I hear Mason follow close behind. "Come to my place. Just one night." He says as we get there. I stare up at him, and when I don't respond he sighs and looks away from me.

"I need to finish some homework, will you help me into my room?" I asked, and he nods. I turn around and Mason grabs my waist and helps lift me up to my window, once I'm high enough I'm able to pull my leg up and climb through.

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